5 1 1

"Security have just left. You're good to start phase one. The minute you open your hotel door the cameras will be down for 45 minutes. Do you understand?"

Phase one is the first contact with each of the boys. It includes finding them, talking and explaining to them.

Its going to be the most difficult phase because ill have to convince each of  them that I'm on the good  side, not the bad side.

"I understand"

"Your key opens all of their doors. use it wisely Daisy."

"Will do Henny"

"The shows all yours, ill be in your ear, watching you at all times if you need me." He says in a reassuring tone.

I don't have to reply to know he understands I heard him. Silence speaks volume in our case.

okay Dais, you got this. 5, 4 ,3 ,2 ,1

I open my door, and immediately set a timer on my watch for 45 minutes. It'll buzz five minutes prior to the time ending. Smart I know.

I walk fast down my corridor, making sure to take the stairs up to the boys floor. My heart is thumping.

The first of the rooms on their floor is 230, which belongs to Harry Styles. I know this will be the hardest member to convince as our prior meeting was not exactly brilliant.

Now Daisy, to knock or to spring attack?

I'll knock.

I notice that there are little spy holes so he'll be able to see me before I see him. So I get my MI5 ID out, and hold it to be visible in the peep hole. I then knock.

*knock knock*

I hear nothing for a good few seconds, and then I start to hear some movement from inside.

Then, a deep gravelly voice from inside asks "Who is it?". He sounded tired, and slightly on edge, maybe he was sleeping?

"Hi Harry, I  know you don't know me, but I really need you to open the door. I promise I'm not a creep, but I have to speak with you now, its urgent." I reply in the softest voice I can, I need to be nice and gentle, to make him feel more in control.

Silence follows after my statement.

Do I just open the door myself? Lets wait a few more seconds.

I'll have to use the key, I don't have time for this.

I grab the key out of my pocket and scan it on the door. It bleeps and opens. I'm in.

I open the door to find a startled Harry frantically trying to dial the hotel phone. Bless him, I've scared him shitless.

I step into the room, closing the door behind me, cautious to take slow strides with both arms out and in his view.

"Harry, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you. I know you're scared but listen to m-"

"Get out. Now. If you don't I will call the police and have you arrested." He is quick to tell me. His voice quivers. "I've seen you before, you were that girl who bumped into me. Why should I trust someone who acted like a mad nutcase in front of me?"

Ouch, I didn't think it was that bad.

"I'm not leaving. You're going to put that phone down and listen." I now use more of a firm voice, and I can tell he's caught off guard by it. "My name is Daisy Brown. I work for the MI5 secret service. you know what that is?"

He nods in reply, still not letting go of the phone.

"Well Harry, I'm here to help. What you saw of me earlier was a shit attempt to disguise myself as a fan. Clearly it didn't work." I walk over to him, reaching into my pocket and pulling back out my ID. I hand it over to him to analyse.

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