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The drive to the hotel took me 20ish minutes, not bad at all. I made sure to park right outside the exit, just in case I needed to make a swift exit with the band once I got them.

I checked into my room, and it looks so lush, it's spacious, and the bed is literally bigger than my whole bedroom. Jeez this makes me feel poor. Glad this isn't going onto my credit card because I reckon the bill would cost the same as my WHOLE rent for the month. All I have to say is that One Direction must be one rich band to be able to afford places like this constantly.

I mean its not like I'm hoping they'll give me a tip for saving their sorry arses, but well, it would be nice hehe.

The bag that was left in my room had a lot more in it than I was expecting. It had ear pieces, two beretta hand guns, knives, a first aid kit and a small camera disguised as a pin badge. I will be carrying a gun on me at all times, as well as a small knife strapped to my thigh. My earpiece stays on unless I'm sleeping, and the same goes for the pin badge. Henny and the team need to be able to see what I see, and track my movements.

My first plan tonight is to get my bearings. I need to know this hotel inside and out, as well as exactly what room each member of 1D are staying.

So lets go for a walk.

Liam Payne, room 235.

Louis Tomlinson, room 238.

Harry Styles, room 230.

Niall Horan, room 233.

Zayn Malik, room 237.

They're all very close together, so it saves me running around like a headless chicken trying to kidnap them all. Well, not exactly kidnap, but more so coerce, because lets be real, they wont come willingly. Nothing in life is that easy.

Whilst looking at the placement of all their rooms, I had to act like a lost fan trying to find my own room. There were so many people; I think security, lurking around, so I had to make sure I didn't catch their eyes.

But I'm happy now, I know what I have to do, and I know how I'm going to do it.

Henny informed me that the security leave after they've seen the band into their hotel rooms safely. That means I can do my magic after. I was also told that the tech team are going to disable the cameras on the floor that the band are staying on from 1AM to 1:45AM, which gives me 45minutes to get them all out without being seen.

However it is currently 12PM, and I have nothing to do apart from hang upside down over the end of the massive bed and check the time every half an hour, then to curse myself because its only been 5 minutes.

Right that's it.

I'm going for another walk in my glorious 1D merchandise...

I exit my room and walk down the hotel corridor, then I press the lift to go down. Its relatively empty at the moment so I'm the only one in the lift.

Once I get to the bottom I start to walk to the exit of the hotel with my head down, cautious of the cameras. But before I can get out, I walk into something. Hard.

Oh wait, more like someone. Ew.

"Ouch, Jesus, watch where you're going man." I fire over to whoever banged into me.

I look up and meet the green eyes of a very tall brunette man. He seems to have a frown plastered on his face. Not that he should, the idiot walked into me!

"erm, sorry love" He speaks with a confused tone. What's going on with this guy? He's looking at me like I should be reacting differently, and he is starting to annoy me now.  I give him my best 'what do you want mate, go away' look, and hope he drops it. But no. Of course not.

"oh its just that.. erm" he spits.

"what?" I try my best to intimidate him. Go away already.

"er, well. You kinda have my face, on your hoodie" he half chuckles, half grimaces.






Wait, why are my feet not moving? Oh lord, this goddamned hoodie, knew it had bad luck.

"you in there?" I suddenly hear come from his mouth. Oh god I look like an idiot.

I have to see this through, come on Mia Smith, you got this.

"AHHH OH MY GOD ITS NIALL TOMLINSON!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AHHHH!!!" I say with as much energy and enthusiasm as I can muster.

Okay Daisy, you did good.

Now to finish my master plan. I get my phone out, open up my camera and turn my body, so now me and this 1D guy are both in the frame. I press record and scream. "MUM! LOOK WHO IT IS! AAAAHHHHHHH". Then I end the video and run out the doors of the exit and down the street.

Lets hope that fooled him...

I run down a random busy street, not even bothering to look back. I don't even wanna know what he has to say. As soon as I get far enough away, I whip my phone back out and look up the band. I need to know who I bumped into just then.

Harry Edward Styles- born 1st February 1994, in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire.

Fucks sake. What did I call him? Niall Tomlinson? I even managed to mix two of the names together. Well now I definitely looked like a crazy fan, but without the fan bit...

This is going to make it even harder to explain who I am when the time comes. This poor Harry guy is gonna think I'm a stalker or some shit...

I'm pretty sure my face is a florescent shade of red, because I feel very, very hot; that could be explained by the running, and definitely not the acute embarrassment.

Anyhow, no time to think in the past eh?

I'm in NYC, may as well enjoy the views.

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