Chapter 3

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It had been a week since Lucinda moved in with the Dracula's, and a lot has already happened.

Ingrid and Vlad's mother came to visit, which didn't end well. Lucinda's parents and the Count had bought a TV and the three ended up hooked on it. Robin then came up with a theory, that him and Vlad had been switched at birth. Because it seemed as though Robin fit in better with the vampire lifestyle, and Vlad fit in better with the human lifestyle.

Then the boys ended up getting expelled, for something that Ingrid did. This resulted in the Count home-schooling. Vlad had succeeded in the power of hypnosis, which caused him to hypnotise his dad to act more....normal. He also turned Robin's parents into "vampires". Lucinda, Robin and Vlad later found out that Mr Van Helsing is a vampire slayer, which made them very nervous. Because if Van Helsing found out about Vlad and Lucinda's parents, he would definitely try and kill them.

At the moment, Lucinda had gotten ready for bed and walked into hers and Vlad's room. The girl quickly jumped onto Vlad's bed, making him smile and hand her a chocolate bar.

"You know, our parents will kill us if they found out we're eating sweets" Lucinda stated, making Vlad shrug his shoulders innocently.

"Robin, Luci and i are going to have so much fun" Vlad spoke up, looking at his stuffed wolfhound, Zoltan.

"The point I'm trying to make, Master Vlad, Mistress Lucinda, is that a sleepover Isn't the most sensible idea you've ever had. Think of what your parents would say" Zoltan pointed out.

"Look i know they may be blood sucking vampires, but they've been pretty chilled out these days" Lucinda said. Before anyone could reply, the sound of the Count yelling could be heard.

"Vladimir! Lucinda!" the two jumped, and quickly shoved the bag of sweets under the quilt. The two tried to look normal, as Count suddenly appeared in their room. He looked to see Lucinda ready a book, that was upside down and Vlad who had chocolate all over his face.

"alright, hand me the sugar" The Count demanded, reaching out for the bag.

"Sugar? What sugar?" Vlad said, trying to look innocent but that obviously didn't work as the Count kept his hand out and gave his son a look.

"Alright, fine. But a few sweets won't hurt" Vlad whined, making Lucinda giggle.

"Won't hurt? How do either of you expect to bite people if you don't have strong teeth" his dad said, making Vlad huff in annoyance.

"But i don't want to bite people" the boy replied. Lucinda stayed silent, knowing that one day she will have to bite people. The girl was somewhat scared at the thought, but she knew it's part of being a vampire.

"You will one day. Now hand over them over or I'll get you both an appointment with Renfield" The Count threatened, making the two look at each other scared.

"R-renfield?! Sorry Mr Count, we'll never eat sweets again" Lucinda stuttered, handing over the bag of "sweets". The Count set the bag on fire, then whooshed out of the room. Vlad and Lucinda sat up, and the two smiled at each other.

"Phew that was close" Vlad said.

"Why are you smiling? He just burnt your candy" Zoltan wondered.

"He set light to my payjama's" Lucinda gigged, handing Vlad a chocolate bar.

"Our teeth are fine" Vlad shrugged, as the two bit into the chocolate. But a cracking sound was heard, making them groan in pain. The two rubbed the side of their face, and looked at each other in shock.

The next morning, Lucinda was suddenly woke up when she heard someone screaming. Jumping up, she looked to see that it was Vlad who screamed. The girl quickly got out of bed, and went over to her best friend.

"Are you okay, Vlad?" she asked, making Vlad look at her.

"Yeah, Lu. Just a bad dream" he mumbled, leaning into her arms and hugged her back. As the two pulled away, they jumped when they saw Renfield standing at the end of Vlad's bed.

"Mornin" he grinned, holding a drill in his hand.

"W-what do you want?" Vlad stuttered out.

"Your father told me to fix the door, but i can fix you both as well" he cackled, bringing the drill closer to them.

Once Renfield left, Lucinda decided to get ready for school. When she was done, she made her way down to the dining room and saw Vlad eating his breakfast slowly.

"Hello, darling. Did you sleep well?" Lucinda's mother asked, as the woman pulled her daughter into a hug.

"I slept pretty good, thanks mum" she smiled, as the woman handed her a bowl of cereal. When she took a bite of her food, Lucinda winced when feeling a shooting pain in her gum. Vlad looked to her, both of them feeling the same pain but tried to play it off as if there was nothing wrong.

"Is everything alright Vladdy? Luci?" The Count asked, making the two gulp nervously. But luckily, Ingrid walked in.

"Morning Ingrid, Happy Birthday" Vlad smiled, while handing his sister a card. Lucinda had already given Ingrid her present, which was a back full of new make-up and nail polish, which the girl was very thankful for.

"I'm too evil for birthdays" the teen sneered, as she ripped up the card. The Count turned to the girl, with a raised brow and a smug smirk.

"Oh, so you won't want this card from your mother then" he said, pulling out beautiful black envelope. This got Ingrid's attention, and she went to snatch it out of his hands but the man pulled his hand back. He crushed up the card, then opened his hand to show a handful of maggots.

"Dad! You garlic muncher!!" The girl exclaimed, then marched off out of the room. After that, Lucinda and Vlad grabbed their bags, and walked their way to school. When they got there, they met up with Chloe and Robin at the front. Lucinda was resting her head on Vlad's lap, while Robin looked at her teeth.

"Ruler. Pencil. Scalpel" This caused the girl to quickly sit up, and pulled away from the boy.

"S-scalpel??" she stuttered, looking at Robin with wide eyes.

"Only joking" Robin smiled sheepishly, as the girl sat up properly.

"It's not funny. We need to find out what's wrong with our teeth before the sleepover" Vlad said, hugging his legs close to him.

"Well this book of yours isn't helping. I-it wouldn't have anything to do with the change would it?" Chloe asked, as she looked at the book with wide eyes.

"No, the change only happens when we turn sixteen. That's when we get our powers, fangs, speed etc. We have three more years until that happens" Lucinda explained, as Robin snatched the book from his sister's hand.

"When a young vampire complains of dental discomfort, he may be about to embark....The Change" he said, causing Lucinda and Vlad to roll their eyes at the boy.

"This occurs at the age of sixteen.....but can happen several years earlier" the Dracula boy gulped and looked over at his best friend. That would only mean that the change couple be happening right now.

When the Dracula's and Godfrey go back to the castle, they walked into the room. Suddenly, they all heard a loud "surprise" making them jump in surprise.

"Oh, Ingrid darling. Happy Birthday" The Count smiled, making the girl look at her father in shock.

"Wow, is this all for me" she asked, looking at all the decorations.

"And you thought we had forgotten. Renfield has been out shopping all week" he said, as Renfield pulled out a black dress which had spikes on it and threw it at her. The teen girl couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face, but it soon disappeared.

"Okay, what's going on?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Nothing's going on my precious. We just want you to look good for your.....h-husband" The Count snickered, making Ingrid look at her dad in shock and anger.

" I don't have a husband" she said, shooting a heated glare towards the man. The Count tutted at her, shaking his head.

"Oh, but you do. Say hello to Adrearnes"

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