Guitar Man Pt. 4*

Start from the beginning

"Hey Harry baby, it's alright. Pregnant or not, it's alright. If I am that will be so great, but if not we have other options," I assure him and watch his face relax at my words.

The drive home is fairly quiet, I fall into a daydream of having a baby again, and besides Harry occasionally asking if I'm still feeling alright, we don't really speak.

We pull into our garage and I'm quick to hop out of the car and get to the kitchen. I'm pouring a glass of water and chugging it, the sooner I have to pee the better. I grab a plastic cup out of the cupboard. I'm going to pee in the cup and just dip the tests in to make it a little less messy of a process. I'm getting another glass of water as soon as I finish the first one and heading up to our bedroom. Harry follows close behind. When I get up to the room, I'm heading to the en-suite bathroom. The bathroom has a big window overlooking the ocean. I stop and admire the view for a second, taking a deep breath to calm the nerves wracking through my body. Harry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my body.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" he hums, placing a kiss to the top of my head.

"The ocean. It calms me down," I state, still looking out to the waves crashing against the shore. Harry nods.

"Sophie, I love you no matter what the test results are, ok?" he states. I turn around to face him. His lips meet mine in a soft kiss. "I love you so much," he whispers. I kiss him again.

"I have to pee," I break the sweet moment. He pulls away, a nervous look washing over him again. I take the plastic cup and move over to the toilet. Harry stays in the doorway of the bathroom, looking down at his rings as he fondles with them on his fingers. I pee in the cup and flush the toilet, causing Harry to look up. I open a test a dip it in the cup.

"We have to wait 5 minutes," I tell Harry setting the test down on a towel on the counter.

"I'm gonna go lay down and wait so I don't just stare at it for 5 minutes," I announce, moving past him to get to the bed but grabbing his wrist on my way to pull him along with me. We both fall down onto the bed and he's immediately pulling me to his chest. I set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes.

"I think this is going to be the longest 5 minutes of my life," he states. My fingers tangle in his hair as I admire his beauty.

"I hope I'm pregnant," I state. I had never really said my thought on wanting to get pregnant out loud before. Harry's eyes widen and soften at the same time. He grabs my hand and brings it up to his lips, placing a kiss on my knuckles.

"You'd be a great mum," he whispers. My heart melts a little bit.

"You'd be a great dad," I reply. He smiles softly. "I was thinking about it in the car earlier, you singing to the baby while it's in my belly, you holding them after their born, making cookies, laughing..." I trail off, tears beginning to spill from my eyes. Harry is quick to wipe under his eyes and under mine. He places a kiss to my forehead. Then, the times runs out.

I pull back and look at him. Frozen in my spot.

"Let's go together," he speaks, holding my hand as we walk to the bathroom. When we get in the bathroom, we both stand staring at the test.


I can physically feel my heart breaking and I can see Harry's breaking too. His grip on my hand tightens. When he hears the sob escape my body, he's quick to turn towards me, cupping my cheeks in his hands. His eyes are red and filled with tears, a sight that further breaks my heart.

"I'm so sorry Harry, I'm so sorry I can't give you what you want, what you deserve," I cry out. Harry's thumbs move under my eyes, wiping away the tears.

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