Chapter 18. Old friends reunited

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No one POV.

Marco :,,You sure you want to go alone Pops?"

Whitebeard :,,Yeah it has been a while since I last visited them."

Marco :,,Call us in case we should pick you up."

Whitebeard :,,I will, I will no fear Marco."

Whitebeard walked down the gangplank and into the city. All eyes were on the old hero as massive crowdes of fans swarmed him asking for autographs or pictures, Whitebeard nearly was crowded for a hour before he could continue to walk. From the window of a tall building a old man with a yellow cape and white suit could see Whitebeard walk by and decided to follow him. Whitebeard holded by a flower shop and got a beautiful flower boquet he payed and continued to walk. Whitebeard reached the entrance of the cementary and walked in, he walked up a path up a hill towards two graves that stood ontop of the hill he stoped infront of the two graves. He put the flowers down on one grave before he sat down and got out a bottle of sake.

Whitebeard :,,It has been a while Roger, Nana sorry that I couldn't make it earlier but you know there is alot of work this days."

Whitebeard knew that he wouldn't get a answer so he just sat there with closed eyes remembering the good days that he had with his friends.

??? :,,I knew you would come here Edward."

Whitebeard :,,Huh?"

Whitebeard turned his head and saw a smaller old man walking towards him.

Whitebeard :,,Sorahiko good to see you old friend!"

Gran Torino :,,It really has been a while."

Torino sat down besides Whitebeard while he opened the bottle of sake, Whitebeard then got out four sake cups. He gave one to Gran Torino and the other two he put infront of the graves before he started to pour sake into the cups. He then put the bottle down before he lifted his cup while Torino also lifted his cup.

Whitebeard :,,To the old days."

Gran Torino :,,To the old era."


They then drank their sake before they sat there in silence.

Gran Torino :,,How is Izuku doing?"

Whitebeard :,,He is doing great, he seems to have fun being a teacher."

Gran Torino :,,As much as Izumi told me he has alot of fun training them till they collapse."

Whitebeard :,,Gurarararara that sounds like him."

Gran Torino :,,And how are you doing?"

Whitebeard :,,Well the age is slowly getting to me, I am not as strong as I once was and my work is getting tiring."

Gran Torino :,,Will you retire?"

Whitebeard :,,Maybe when I find someone who can replace me as captain."

Gran Torino :,,What is with Marco?"

Whitebeard :,,He isn't interested and Ace would never accept just a position."

Gran Torino :,,And the other commanders?"

Whitebeard :,,Don't want me to retire, don't care or just don't want to."

Gran Torino :,,And Izuku?"

Whitebeard :,,I thought about making him the new captain but I don't know if he wants or if he will even accept."

Gran Torino :,,Well I say you find a sucessor soon it's only a matter of time until someone who is stronger then you comes."

Whitebeard :,,You are right and the fact that Big Mom works together with All for One isn't much better."

Gran Torino :,,*sigh* We should have killed him as we had the chance."

Whitebeard :,,That is easy to say I was far stronger then him and I wasn't able to kill him."

Gran Torino :,,It's like as if All for One refuses to die as long as it isn't through One for All."

Whitebeard :,,Yeah."

Whitebeard put the empty cup down before standing up, Gran Torino got up aswell as Whitebeard took the two full cups and walked up to the graves before puring the sake over the two graves. He then put the cups on the graves before he took a step back and stood besides Gran Torino.

Gran Torino :,,How long do you think until we join them."

Whitebeard :,,2 maybe 5 years or maybe sooner who knows our lifes are dangerous Sorahiko."

Whitebeard put the sake bottle between the two graves, before he with a last glance at the graves turned around followed by Gran Torino.

Whitebeard :,,Hey how about you come to the Moby Dick for dinner I am sure Izuku and Thatch would be happy to see you."

Gran Torino :,,Why not I have nothing else to do, would be nice to see those two brats again."

Whitebeard :,,Gurarararara!"

Gran Torino :,,Hahahahahaha!"

Meanwhile with Shinso:

Iida :,,Shinso you need to aim higher with youre kicks they are to low."

Shinso :,,What do you mean higher like this?"

Shinso made another kick to the punching bag.

Iida :,,Yes that was good, now you need to do it faster."

Shinso :,,What do you mean faster?"

Iida :,,Youre kicks are quite slow compared to me or Kuzan sensei, couldn't you maybe combine it with Soru?"

Shinso :,,Wait I read something about this."

Shinso walked over to his bag and pulled out a old book.

Iida :,,What is this for a book?"

Shinso :,,This book is about the six powers, Kuzan gave it to me."

Iida looked with interest at the book as Shinso flipped through the pages until he stopped on one page.

Shinso :,,Here!"

Iida :,,Huh?"

Shinso :,,Rankyaku also known as Tempest Kick, this power specifically exists for making kicks a dangerous weapon against anyone. Using their legs, a user of Rankyaku can generate a flying slash-like projectile that can slice apart anything in its way."

Iida :,,My doriki would go up to 90 if I learn this power."

Shinso :,,Yeah my doriki would be above 100, but here stays that Rankyaku is one of the hardest powers to learn besides Geppo."

Iida :,,That means if we are able to learn Rankyaku then we also have a chance to learn the other powers easier?"

Shinso :,,Probably, so how about it up for the challange Iida?"

Iida :,,Of course let's get stronger together!!"

Shinso :,,YOSH!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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