6- Will You Be Mine...

Start from the beginning

I instinctively bring my hand and place it beneath his, as a means of comforting him. He brings his head up and both of his brown doe eyes are now piercing into my soul. He smiles thankfully before continuing.

"Anyway, to cut the story short. I moved out of Brackford to Denverhill to become a full-time mechanic. It was all good until this week." My head piques in interest. "She broke into my apartment one night. And I believe I saw her walking around the Denverhill area when I was driving."

My head is trying its best to process all of the information as best as it can. Especially the part where his psychotic ex-girlfriend broke into his apartment in the middle of the night. Like who would do that?

"Wooh. That was... a lot." It left me speechless. "She sounds like a terrible person, I'm sorry that you have to go through all of that just for her to appear in your life, again."

"Yeah, and this time I don't know what she wants with me. But what got me scared is how she said she wants to come after you."

"But why? Why would she come after me, I don't even know her?"

"Well, uhm yes and no... she apparently knows that we are... together."

I lean further back to the booth. "I mean, it's not like she knows about like that. It's not like you've asked me to be your boyfriend or anything."

Derek's pupils grow ten times the size and his mouth is left slightly agape like a goldfish. My cheeks try their best to control the laughter, all hope is lost when a giggle escapes from my throat.

"Im sorry that was rude of me. Anyway, what's else is up with your crazy ex-girlfriend, you know what other stuff I should know?"

Before giving any replies, he drags his body and folded arm to stop in front of mine. "You're not just going to change the topic like it was nothing. What do you mean I haven't asked you to be my boyfriend? Aren't we technically, you know... dating each other right now?"

My lips struggle to press themselves into one fine line with how anxious Derek is being, so I just smile like a goofball.  "Yes, yeah of course we are dating each other. Im just messing with you. But you can't argue that we didn't go from meeting at a party to unpacking your dating history in a span of one week and a half." 

His eyes grow back to their usual size and his arms slowly leaves mine, much to my dismay. He then scoots his way out from the booth and stands beside the table. To add the cherry on top he brings his left knee to kneel onto the diner floor. My eyes watch the whole thing unfold, confusion fully visible on my face, as I anticipate what's his next move gonna be.

He takes my hand which is resting on my lap to take it into his. In the back of my mind, the other customers might be now staring at the both of us, but all my body can do at that moment is solely focus on his facial face.

"I uhm, haven't done anything like this so... Enzo, and whatever your last name might be. Will you date me so you can officially be m-my boyfriend?"

I blink my eyes a few times as my brain slowly processes everything that is unfolding in front of my eyes. I clear throat my throat before breaking into the biggest grin I ever had. "Yes, yes Derek, and, whatever your last name might be. Yes, of course, I would be honored to be your boyfriend."

Suddenly the sound of crowds cheering and clapping causes both of us to look around the diner. I guess my face is full-on red if it wasn't before. That is before Derek closes the gap between us and kisses me wholeheartedly. His upper mustache tickles me in the process. As we both breaks apart, my whole face changes officially as red as a beetroot.

"I didn't expect everybody else to cheer after that. I hope I haven't embarrassed you that much, or maybe I have now" It's quite an achievement with how fast he can transform from a smooth suave guy to a shy high school boy in a matter of seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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