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(Random King Chan fanart I did a while back; honestly, I can't even remember what drawings I have used at the beginning of chapters anymore. My bad if this is a repeat haha)

"Psst, Felix-hyung?"

The silvernette sighs heavily; he never did like being called that. It was quite familiar, suggesting that he was like an older brother-figure, that these people were his friends or even his pack.

He didn't wish to get attached; he didn't wish for them to get attached either (puppy eyes from Innie were hard to resist as is and he had no desire to try explaining to the youngest member why his Felix-hyung won't be staying at their house any longer when the day eventually comes).

Rather annoyed blue eyes glance up from the vampire novel that he has read for about the millionth time since arriving at the Skz's door all those weeks ago; he cocks a brow in question at the younger werewolf who was peeking his head into the den.

A smile much too wide to be innocent is flashed his way, tufts of hair shining more blue than black in the soft light of the rising sun; a rather sheepish and boxy grin is soon to appear above the crouching form of Jeongin. Now Felix is even more suspicious.

"Well uh- Since you're not busy," the youngest says with a clear of his throat and Jisung sends an apologetic glance at the book clearly opened in the omega's lap, "We were wondering if you would like to come play with us?"

Felix narrows his eyes at them in an examining manner; the silvernette has never played with boys around his age before (school was always a hard place to fit in), let alone with others of his own kind. Why would they want to play with him? He's not fun, he can barely even communicate with them most of the time; the interests he has have never been considered cool or manly (he likes flowers and baking and reading for crying out loud! The most interesting thing about him was probably his old knack for playing the piano but he hasn't done that since the days he would put on a mini recital for his mother).

Surely they'll get bored with him, leave him to his own devices soon after when they realize that the mystery behind Felix was nothing more than the fact that he didn't speak to them: being a selectively mute lone omega who resists all attempts made by their alpha pack leader is the only reason he has caught their attention now.

And that thought is exactly what makes him shove the book aside and stand from his spot by the fireplace because that nagging question at the back of his head, the one that whispers why does Bang Chan even want me as a mate?, resurfaces and now is not the time to wallow in self-doubt. He could use the distraction, for however long these two eager wolves are willing to entertain him; he mouths 'Okay,' and follows them out of the room, trying to ignore the warm feeling in his chest as he sees their smiles only brighten. 

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