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(Hey so I guess I lied because here I am, back with more for this story because I love it too much? Lol i wasn't planning on writing more but I wanted to dive into more about Felix and his backstory and his take on things so... HERE'S A CONTINUATION FROM FELIX'S POINT OF VIEW NOW, hence the asterisk instead of the squiggle in the chapter title. There will be a slight recap at the beginning of this chapter that should be a reflection of how this story first started but keep in mind that it is not an exact replica XD And guess what? You're getting to have more of this story and AO3 doesn't; aren't you lucky? Lmao i might post this to AO3 some other time but for some reason werewolves are ALL OVER the Bang Chan/Lee Felix tag so I don't wanna possibly post the part two and have no one be interested in reading it, ya know? OVER SATURATION OF STORYLINES ARE BAD

But anyways, how are the Lee's fairing, hm? Let's find out!)

Part 2: ꧁༺ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓸𝓯 𝓢𝓲𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓻 ༻꧂

One of Lee Felix's favorite parts about being a lone omega is that he gets to make his own choices, gets to live his own life for himself and no one else. He likes the feeling of the wind whipping his fur, the whispers of life and rustling of trees that assails his swiveling ears when he takes a short rest at the stream that runs through the Skz pack's neck of the woods, the grit of dirt and cushion of fauna and crunch of twigs beneath his rather small paws; but, most of all, he loves the rush that comes with absolute power over his own fate despite possessing many less than favorable instinctual tendencies. Unleashing his inner wolf and being able to just run around the expanse of forest surrounding this pack's home that he does not call his own with utterly no consequence to him makes all the rest of the hassle that comes with being a lone omega worth it.

He was quite content with such a life; he loved having zero strings to the wolf-world filled with pack politics and mating mumbo jumbo, loved the villagers that he grew to associate as some unique version of family, loved his relatively normal and mundane job working at the small flower shop that felt like the only place he could call home after the passing of his mother. He wouldn't have changed it for the world.

But then he met an alpha pack leader with fur that resembled a snowy white tundra against a stormy gray sky on one fateful spring day and his life took a drastic turn, for the better and the worse.

Things started out alright: if anything, he had a new friend who actually took the time to understand him rather than belittle or judge him. Chan was like him in the beginning, or so Felix thought. The more time they spent together, the more it became apparent that here was yet another werewolf that would put his pack priorities above all else; and then eventually his true motives for even befriending Felix in the first place were brought to light and how far he would go just to fulfil his role as alpha. And very much unlike Felix, Chan is proud of who he is and his species and didn't care who knew about it. The omega didn't think that he would go as far to expose Felix's species as well, though, in some half-baked method of defending the silvernette from his school bully. Yes, he is still bitter; yes, he can't forgive the alpha entirely.

He's working on seeing the bright side.

Felix lost everything and almost everyone; he felt broken and hollow in a way that he hadn't for many, many years. He was angry and sad and hurt and, he supposes, a little grateful but mostly just... tired. Tired that, in the end, even when he worked so hard to hide what he really is, he is still not human; it was only a matter of time until the wolf world caught up to him and dragged him back in. One of the many downsides of being a werewolf, as you can tell, is that you will only be truly accepted by those who are like you; yes, what others don't see won't hurt them, but Felix does belong with his own kind... No matter how much he hates to admit it.

And, no matter how much he hates packs and mates and dynamics and alphas and just really other werewolves in general, here he is: staying at a pack house in the middle of the woods, it's fearless and mighty (the omega rolls his eyes at the thought) alpha leader very carefully unwrapping the bandages from his arm, and miles away from the disaster of a flower shop and mess of a village he once called home.

And he could always go back, anytime he wanted to (as Bang Chan had insisted that Felix was not his prisoner here), but there was really no one to go back to anymore.

The only human who didn't cast him out after discovering his identity is here with him, of all places, and the townsfolk he did consider himself close with are either cursing his name, planning the extinction of his kind, or are dead upon the ground the ferals so viciously soiled.

Here, begrudgingly, is the only place Felix can be (unless he risked finding another pack to stay with but that seemed like a definite no after being lucky enough to find other werewolves who were patient with his naiveness and, well, stubbornness in regard to pack politics). Here is not his home, he doesn't know if he will ever be able to call it his home, but... it is not his deathbed either so for that, he is at least grateful.

"What's got you making that face, Little One?" The alpha's voice momentarily startles Felix out of his thoughts, the silvernette glancing down with a raise of his brow.

It's a silent inquiry, a wordless what face?, that Chan easily understands the meaning of because the alpha is always so attuned and observant to anything the omega does (except for that one time when he blatantly ignored you because he was too focused on getting you to leave literally everything you've ever known behind and flee to the woods forever with him- Felix shakes off the memory. Now is not the time for reminders; the wounds have healed, the scars have faded. The addressing of that particular argument will be for another time).

There's a soft smile on the older hybrid's face, one that makes Felix's heart flutter a bit even though it most certainly shouldn't after all this pain in the ass alpha has put him through the last few weeks, as he says, "You know the one: the I'm thinking too hard about stuff off in Lix Land, please leave a message and I'll get back to you soon."

The silvernette is not amused, deadpanning at the other.

"What?" Chan chuckles, "You do, don't deny it. Your brow gets all furrowed cutely, and your lips purse-"

Felix raises both eyebrows in a cheeky manner this time, causing the alpha to backtrack on his words; the pale ears peeking out from beneath dark curly hair flush a pretty pink.

"N-Not that I was staring at your um- lips or anything," he amends.

The omega snorts, shaking his head; 'Course not,' he mouths back sarcastically and that just makes Chan's blush deepen and his smile turn quite sheepish.

It was a rather endearing sight, Felix will admit, for a hybrid that was supposed to be so big and intimidating and infamous, or so the assumptions attached to the Skz Pack entailed.

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