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(Chan's worm is cute, idc what anyone says)

Felix sighs, nostrils pressed against the floor in irritation that the alpha seemed to know that he was once again being thought about. Why do his thoughts always seem to wander back to Chan nowadays?

Perhaps he's catching a cold.

The brunette crouched down, giving the silver wolf a funny look. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable on a bed? The couch? Perhaps... the fluffy rug in front of the fireplace?"

His speckled snout wrinkles, releasing a heavy huffing noise that makes the older werewolf giggle. He sits down next to Felix, back against the closed door. "I could always set up a cot in there for you, you know."

Blue eyes peer up at him but Chan's gaze is on the floor, playing with a loose string on his pajama pants. "If you'd like sleeping closer to Lee-hyung, I mean. And, well, in your human form."

Felix's ears flatten against his head, laying it back down upon his paws rather sulkingly. I'm just overreacting, aren't I? Is this Chan's kind way of telling me that I'm being ridiculously overprotective? That I'm worrying over nothing-

"Hey," a warm hand hesitantly smooths out the fur along the omega's shoulder blade, making the wolf jump slightly before whipping his gaze back to the alpha, "There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep an eye on him because you worry; trust me, I... I know the feeling."

Right, Lee is Chan's Hyung too... even though the eldest isn't pack or even a wolf for that matter, he's still being allowed to stay here because Chan worries as well.

Hell, being a leader means he has to worry for everyone in this house on top of the guests and about all of the dangers that lurk among his territory.

Sounds like a lot of work, a lot of stress and responsibility; Felix is glad that he doesn't have any of that to deal with. The dark circles constantly under the brunette's eyes makes much more sense.

In lue of a reply, the omega just scoots closer to Chan's thigh, finding the heat radiating from his body and the gentle petting of Felix's fur rather soothing.

And they stay like that for a few moments in silence, the wolf beginning to doze off and Chan with his head tipped back just listening to their breathing.

But then he murmurs quietly, "I think this spot is a bit too cold to sleep at, Little One. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

A grumbling sound leaves Felix's chest, feeling quite hissy with both the nickname that he most certainly didn't approve of and at the older's insistence for him to move somewhere else right as he just got comfy.

But Chan only gives that endeared, dimpled grin of his, retracting his hand to help push himself up off the floor.

And the omega can only whine in protest before he even thinks to stop himself because not only did he lose his pets, but his human furnace too!

The brunette gives a small chuckle.

"I'll be right back, Lix. Just hold on a moment."

Felix groans as Chan departs, humiliated that such a needy sound had escaped him in regards to something so minute, especially with the alpha right there to hear it and know he was the cause. He's probably going to tease me relentlessly and-

The light padding of paws emanates from the wooden floors down the hall Chan disappeared in, a now bigger and fluffier companion to cuddle with emerging with a blanket carefully held between his teeth.

The gray and white hybrid puffs out his chest and raises his chin high into the air triumphantly as he catches Felix's curious gaze and the omega can only suppress an eye roll before the alpha starts pouting over the fact that he wasn't as impressed with the feat as Chan is.

But if Felix gets up and gently bites the other end of the blanket to spread it out in front of the door before snuggling close to the older, the omega's head buried in the other's scruff and simply enjoying his warmth and scent, then he'll just blame that on one of those less than favorable instinctual tendencies.

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