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(So, writing yesterday, I found a format error in this ENTIRE part two of this story; WHEN FELIX MOUTHED STUFF, I FORGOT TO PUT IN ITALICS! I'm very sorry, I'll go and fix that right away!

I hope there wasn't too much confusion in regard to what was verbally being said and what was just being mouthed:')

"You always were a dumb," the old voice pauses, a dry cough escaping his lungs before he continues, "pup, you know."

Chan frowns, bloodshot eyes looking up from their place buried in his hands to stare at the man laying in bed.

Dried tears stained the alpha's face, unruly hair sticking up in every direction from the constant tugging he put it through, clothes rather disheveled from his previous pacing before ultimately plopping down in the love seat to stew in his own self-hatred: he was a mess.

"Very, very stupid." Lee's gaze is on the ceiling, expression blank and tone the same dry bluntness it always is. "Tended to cause trouble everywhere you went, reckless and sensitive; never quite thought things through before doing em'-"

"If you're going to lecture me, Hyung, I don't think that now is the best time."

"Lecture you?" The eldest scoffs, causing the hybrid's brow to knit inquisitively, "I was not lecturing you, just pointing out the past. Ah but you're a grown-up now, a big bad alpha wolf; I'm sure you knew the point I was getting at before you interrupted me, hm?"

The brunette's expression turns sheepish, ears coloring as he bows his head submissively.

Lee hums in faux surprise, "So you didn't know; that's what I thought."

Old eyes peer at Bang Chan; whether in scrunty or disappointment, the younger can never be sure. And he says, with a hint of reminiscence and something else the alpha can't quite pinpoint, "You were a dumb pup... But you had a big heart; you always had a big heart, even when you picked some dumb ways of showing it."

The brunette's shoulders slump, guilt swirling through him once again for literally everything he has put this man through, that he has put this man's adopted son through. "Hyung," Chan whispers, throat tight like he was going to cry again, "I'm so- I'm so sorry; I just keep messing everything up and- and no matter how much I try to fix it, I just- I just make a disaster of things all over again. I ruined your life, I ruined his life, and I- I can't even ask for your forgiveness anymore because I don't even deserve it at this point, do I? All I ever wanted was to be a good leader, to protect those I love, and I can't even do that one simple thing-" He sniffs, rubbing furiously at his watery eyes, "What kind of alpha even am I?!"

Silence rings out for a bit, Chan hunched in on himself and wracked over by tremors, before the eldest man says, "Are you quite done?"

The werewolf stiffens, blinking owlishly. "H-Huh?"

"Are you done with the pity party? I may be old, but my ears work just fine and trust me when I say that I've heard a lot of interesting things these last few weeks and have known the two of you long enough to be more than aware of what exactly you're feeling." Lee cocks a brow much like Felix does, giving the alpha an entirely unimpressed look-over, "You really didn't think that I would hear you lot quarreling right in front of me? You really didn't think that I had sneaking suspicion of the exact trouble you caused down in the village? Do I look like a fool to you, Chan-ah?"

The younger pouts, rather ashamed of himself, but can't find it in his heart to disagree. "N-No."

"Good." Lee sits up then, wincing a little in pain and Chan rushes to his side to help settle him but the elder waves him off his worried hands. "I'm fine, I'm fine; get your ass back in that chair."

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