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(Yeah, that's a vampire Felix and this is a werewolf story; sue me, he's hot XD) 

Bang Chan was unlike any other alpha pack leader he has ever met. Grant it, Felix has not met a lot of other werewolves; in fact, the last time he was around others of his kind that weren't either approaching or completely feral was when his mother was still alive. So maybe met isn't the best word, since everything about the wolf world he has to go off of pertains to what his mother has told him (which is a lot) and what he has experienced (which isn't much).

And, perhaps, his mother was a little biased and therefore everything that makes up Felix's knowledge going in is particularly negative. But you can't blame him for being wary: you can't when the life his mother experienced and the very reason he was brought into existence in the first place are byproducts of the simple fact that omegas don't get to choose when the pack means everything.

Sure, Chan has been adamant that he will not force Felix into doing anything he doesn't want; he has sworn to give Felix time, to wait for him because he thinks Felix is worth it.

But what happens when he gets tired of waiting? What happens when he's feeling quite pent up and impatient and used and just throws himself right at Felix with little regards to what he wants because alphas are just so much stronger and-

No. No, Chan would never do something like that, Felix has to remind himself. He said he would wait, he said that the omega could take all the time he needs; he said Felix is worth the world and that Chan wants the opportunity to properly court him once he is ready.

Chan is not like the other alphas, Chan is not going to force anything.

Chan is not like Felix's father (even if that cruel and selfish alpha leader he so abhorrently calls dad may have promised the same things to Felix's mother at one point in time too).

There has been no pressure pressed upon the omega to join the pack or to become this alpha's mate (well, not again at least); and while he knows that those are things Chan very much wants, he isn't blatantly guilt tripped into knowing and just not doing anything about it.

And while Felix, like his mother, is a lone omega who has caught the eye of a determined alpha leader, the silvernette has no desire to put up with a sleazy piece of shit calling him mate just to ensure that the younger has a designated position in the pack.

A place in a wolf gang, a place with protection and a strong leader and a vast plentiful territory, is not a necessity to Felix.

He loved- loves his mother more than anything in this entire universe but he will not make the same mistake she did; if being in a pack means being forced to copulate and bind his soul with its greedy alpha just because he wants the status of having an omega mate, then Felix would rather live alone and outcasted for the rest of his life. (His mother wouldn't wish that life upon anyone, especially her son. And despite not even wanting to have a child so young with an alpha she knew so little, she always said she never regretted having her baby sunshine. Having Felix and wanting better for him gave her a reason to leave the pack world for good; he will be careful and take his time for as long as he likes for the sacrifices she made to give him a choice in such matters. They won't go to waste).

So right now, after these two weeks of being at this pack house, he's not leading Chan on; he's just... testing the waters. Felix doesn't want any ties, not yet, not now; not until he is completely sure that joining this pack isn't going to screw him over for the rest of his life.

"Well," the oldest clears his throat, garnering the omega's attention once more, "How does the elbow feel?"

Felix blinks, taking a moment to appreciate the genuine concern and eager hopefulness alit in the alpha's wide brown orbs. He carefully extends and then flexes his arm, trying out the finally healed joint. A smile tugs at the corners of lips with the idea that he might be allowed to leave the house with the others today.

He makes a thumbs-up. Chan mimics the motion before lightly bumping their fists together.

'Join hunt?'

The older hybrid's eyes narrow and Felix makes sure to flutter his lashes real innocently.

"I'll consider it."

Well, while the omega can't say that he's exactly pleased with that response, it is better than the last three times he asked (for those, he was met with an immediate no because his elbow needs to be fully healed before he can transform because he'll just end up hurting himself again and yadda yadda yadda. Felix thought he was fine at least a week ago and, quite frankly, he got rather tired of Chan's fussing over his injury so he eventually stopped asking. But now, there is no excuse to stop him from venturing out of this wet-dog-smelling cabin in the woods). 

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