"Of course, they used a surrogate" I mutter at his stupidity going back to my food and pushing it around the plate. Walla signed looking around as if he didn't want anyone to hear our conversation.

"That's were you're wrong my dear friend" he sighs. Wes and I look at him like he had grown two heads. What was he talking about. "Ace got pregnant and he was the one who gave birth to his baby boy" I and Wes gasp out looking at Walla with wide eyes. "Yes that's the look I got when I found out" he chuckled

"How, is he a transgender now cause the last time I remember he was a crossdresser," I ask drinking some water. "And even though he is a transgender, he couldn't get pregnant" I add in a matter of fact.

"He is not a transgender, he is a man. A real man, still very much a crossdresser but there is a....." He trialed off leaning in so that he can whisper "a pill he took which made him pregnant" his voice was low.

"What pill, you mean to tell us that there is a pill that can make a man pregnant," Wes asked him too whispering.

"Apparently yes" Walla replied

"Tell me about it" I ask intrigued,what if I can get pregnant and give Jared a child his parents are so obsessed with.

"Yeah at first they wanted to get a surrogate but when they went to this hospital the doctor told them he can give them a pill to get their own child, coz with a surrogate you know the kid is just one-sided but this....." I cut him off

"How can he get pregnant when he doesn't have a womb or overlies" Walla snorted at my question

"Scientists now days are genius Ev, they can do anything. Ace got pregnant after taking the pill, if you don't trust me ask him, I saw pictures of him pregnant. It's disturbing but true"  he says going back to his vegetables.

"I want that pill" I say after a moment of silence

"You can't be serious Ev," Wes looks at me.

"No think about it, if I can really get pregnant and give Jared a child maybe his parents will like me and see that I'm perfect for him, they might even get over their homophobic asses and they see me as me and respect Jar," I say with a smile. That might work.

"Those people are homophobics Everett, whether you get pregnant or not they will never want there son to be with a man" Wes reasoned "you will still be the man with a dick. Think about it"

"You're right man, what was I thinking" I sigh dejected thinking of Jared's parents, and every time I met them, they make sure to slur, so Wes was right. Those people will never change.

We finish our lunch as they both went back to their jobs. I spent the whole day in my head thinking many things but most especially what Wallace had said. Are Jared's parents that homophobic that they can't allow Jared to be with me even when I can give them a grandchild? I know the answer to that question. I went back home that day and most of the time I was in my head thinking of a solution to get over this problem.

The days passed by still the same with me not being happy, I have gotten our supposed pretend Eva. she is a perfect woman who needs money and she was willing to do whatever I tell her. I had met her two times and she seems amazing, I introduced Jared to her and Jared was so happy he also liked her. He was to introduce her to his parents tomorrow before Lydia can move in.

But what Wallace said that day was still ringing through my head. What if we don't even need all this, what if I can get pregnant and his parents love me. Now days my head was filled with what if's. So I decided to try it out. I asked Walla for his cousins number and I called him.

Yes, what Walla said was true, Ace got pregnant and gave birth, I was intrigued though he didn't tell me much about this pill. He couldn't say it over the phone, he told me to go there but I was scared. I was scared that I can get pregnant if what he says was true. I have been even thinking about other things too. Ace send me a pic of himself in a dress and a very big belly bulging out and an idea popped up in my head.....

"Now days you seem to be in your head" Jared sling his hands around my waist kissing my neck softly. I wanted to tell him about Wallace's cousin but what if he gets excited and it doesn't work. He will be disappointed.

"So many things are in my head that's all" I reply sipping on my drink.

"About Eva," he asks

"That and more"

"She'll do great Ev, she is perfect" he says

"I know she's perfect Red, I just wish we couldn't have went too far. That's all" I say softly

"I know baby but what can I do, I have to give my parents something if we don't want Lydia here" I turned around looking at Jared in the eyes. I really don't want my husband to introduce another person as his girlfriend, what if it gets too much. will I be able to handle it, seeing him kiss her, seeing him hold hands with her? Will I be able to get through it. I'm a jealous person I know myself, I want Jared to be mine and mine alone.

With that thought, I pressed my thumb over my husband's lips, looking in those captivating eyes of his. And this was it. Looking at him like this, the love I feel and have for him is worth a risk.

"Don't introduce her" I say determined.

"What? Ev I thought we are on the same page here. If I don't my parents will force Lydia here"

"Can you give me three days before you introduce her" I ask.

"What're you on, I had scheduled to meet them tomorrow I can't cancel"

"Cancel the dinner date, tell them you went on a trip or something," I say determined.


"Please for me" I say kissing him softly. "Give me only three days baby, please" he sighed looking at me with soft eyes.

"Just because you're so cute, I can't resist" he says kissing me on my cheek, chin and nose.

"I'm traveling to Florida tomorrow to do something" I say going to our shared closet pulling out a suit case Starting to pack.

"Everett, Florida to do what"

"I have to find out something,I promise to tell you as soon as I come back"

"You're scaring me now"

"Don't worry, I will be back in two days" after pushing my clothes into the suitcase I zip it up picking up Jared's laptop and buying a ticket.

"Everett is this about introducing Rory" Rory, that's the real name of the girl who is going to be our Eva.

"I just need to find out something Jared" I pull him towards the bed after pulling the covers away from the bed. Jared was quick to put his head on my chest as I caressed his hair softly loving the feeling of him in my chest "I'm scared if this blow-up baby" I whisper.

"It won't" he replied

"If your parents find out that you're lying to them, they will hate you and I don't want that" he tensed up "I just want to be sure if this is what we want to do. If this is the only option we have" I ask

"We don't have other options baby"

"What if we do have other options"

"Like what" Jared looked at me putting his chin on my chest. I look at him admiring his eyes as I let out a shaky breath.

"I love you" I whisper leaning in so that I can kiss him. "You're my life, my everything Jared" pull him up so that he was practically laying on top of me. "you're my home and I can't lose you for anything" I say

"And you won't baby, I love you too" he whispers too. Looking in his eyes like this made me know that I will do everything to just be with him. I can even get pregnant or whatever just to have him close to me.

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