"Exactly. Your reaction is what was mine when I heard it from my brother," he tells me. "He said that I'd better be good there and climb up the ranks."

"You have a brother?" I raise my eyebrows.

He shrugs. "Yeah. He's gonna be here for it. Jayden Rousseau."

I mentally note to remember the name just in case it ever comes handy for me. I open my phone to look up for the Redville Summer Fest, finding so many youtube videos with recordings of it. They're all of shit quality but I play one anyway, one that was recorded two years ago. I notice that everything is being produced by the performers - from the music to the props to the storyline to everything. Every single thing has been done by the students themselves.

"It's a three day event, huh," I mutter under my breath.

"Yeah. Right before the exams." I can hear the reluctance in his voice. "How convenient."

"Elliot, do you really care about your ranks?" I ask suddenly.

He shrugs again, leaning forward on his elbows. "Not really. They're just a way of creating competition between students. And even though there are a lot of advantages to graduating from the top five, I think there are enough for me if I just survive through school." He smiles a bit. "Because as you know, I've got so many assignments piled up that I cannot even solve. Won't be surprised if someone commits suicide from the study pressure here."

The word suicide stings me.

"Me neither, honestly," I say. "But I thought it was obvious that a Redville student has to be someone who can manage the pressure." I pause, looking up to him with a small smile. "Don't kill yourself, though, Elliot. If that's what you were implying."

He laughs. "I'm not suicidal. Don't worry."

We sit there in silence for a while before I look up, finding him playing with his fingers while he thinks about something. I don't know why but I find his company oddly comforting sometimes. I also know that there is nothing that he's going to make me miss that's related to the school and he doesn't even get anything in return.

"You'll catch up," I say to him and judging by his expression, I see that he didn't expect me to say it. "I mean, sure. You're slow. But you'll catch up. You're actually very smart if you think about it."

He scoffs. "Jeez, thanks. Didn't take you for the 'motivating' kind."

"Was it bad?"

"Hearing you say that isn't exactly something I expected but you calling me smart? I'll believe it. Only because it's coming from you."

Before I can say anything else, I hear someone yell outside the building. "Fuck you!" the person yells loudly, followed by a lot of chatter and other people's voices yelling at them to stop. Our window is open so we hear it more clearly than we could have. Elliot and I lock eyes before the two of us simultaneously rush to the window. I hear him laugh and cuss under his breath as the two of us lean forward, watching the scene with pure amusement.

It's Lily and Cammy who are fighting, with the latter clutching her nose. I see Summer, Mason, Nate, Asher, Sean, Ella, Adelyn and Reece there too, standing around and trying to calm the whole situation down. Looking around, I realise that we're not the only ones watching. By now, a fourth of the Minerva complex is peering out of their windows, watching as the fight goes on.

"You fucking bitch!" Lily yells again, stepping forward despite being grasped by the arms by Adelyn and Summer both. "You did it on purpose!"

"Fuck you, asshole!" Cammy shouts at her, removing her hand from her nose and her face is covered with blood. Blood drips down her face and she looks fucking ugly like this, making me squirm. Reece steps in front of her, putting his hands up to keep her from walking anymore. "You started it. You're the one at fault."

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