Chapter 1

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“It’s so hot in here. Let’s turn on the AC”, Jisung said, grabbing a remote and pressing a button a few times.
He was currently sitting in his large private living room in his parent’s house, together with his four friends Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix. They were discussing their outfits for a barbecue and dinner party the next day, held by a family that all of their parents were acquainted with who wanted to celebrate their recent acquisition of a new company.
Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix were Jisung’s only childhood friends. He had been homeschooled ever since he was young, so he had never really had the chance to meet other kids his age.
Seungmin’s father was the CEO of a few of Jisung’s father’s companies, so they had known each other almost since birth. Later he also got to know Jeongin, whose father owned a news channel, and Felix who came from a family that was involved in the car business. Jeongin later introduced them to Hyunjin. Hyunjin had been a child actor. His parents were both active in the fashion business and made it easy for him to get opportunities to be in movies, so he was already somewhat famous and even modeled sometimes.
Jisung himself was the son of another rich business man. His father owned a lot of fossil fuel companies, including major oil companies. Thanks to Felix’s father, he also held shares for car companies. You could say that his family was part of the top of the top.
Having grown up in extreme wealth, Jisung had never had to complain about anything. He had spent most of his time in his family’s huge villa in San Francisco or one of their holiday homes all over the world. There had always been an abundance of servants that would do everything for him, so he never really had to move even a finger. As long as his grades were somewhat okay and he fulfilled his parents’ expectations on how he should behave and who he should interact with, there was nothing that could hurt him.
As he was the second son, all expectations to take over his father’s business one day lay on his brother. While he had to study hard and visit business meetings with their father since early on, Jisung could stay at home and hang out as much as he wanted to. All his parents wanted was for him to marry someone rich and be a successful and good-looking man that would make everyone be jealous about what a perfect family they were. But for now he just wanted to enjoy life to the fullest.
“I actually bought this blue dress shirt just for tomorrow, but I don’t think I have pants that match with it”, Jisung said and showed a photo on his phone to his friends.
“What do you mean, just wear some black pants to it?”, Felix replied.
“I can’t. All black pants I have I’ve worn so many times already. I actually threw away most of them recently”, Jisung whined.
“Just order new ones then?”, Hyunjin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “If you use the prime service, it’ll arrive early tomorrow morning and one of the housekeepers can receive it and prepare it for you.”
“True.” Jisung was thinking. “But what if they all don’t fit?”
“Then you can still find something else to wear”, Jeongin threw in his opinion.
“Don’t always make things so complicated, Jisung!”, Seungmin complained. “If you had planned out what to wear earlier, you wouldn’t have these problems now.”
Seungmin was one to talk. He didn’t like dressing up and would just wear a suit Felix chose for him anyways.
“Seungmin, you’re not invited to this conversation”, Jisung pouted. “Go ask someone to bring us pastry instead.”
Seungmin rolled his eyes and got up.
“I was thinking of coming with a pink shirt. Is that too attention-grabbing?”, Felix asked.
“No way, it’ll look great with your blonde hair!”, Hyunjin claimed.
Jisung unlocked his phone and started ordering his pants while listening to his friends arguing whether white pants were a good choice to wear at a barbecue. He ordered a few different pants in different sizes to be sure at least one of them would fit. He hadn’t been to a party in so long and he wanted to look good.
Now that he would turn 20 soon, his parents started raising their expectations on him, wanting him to go to business meetings with them and introducing him to their friends’ sons they hoped he would marry. He wanted to enjoy his freedom to the fullest as long as he could.

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