Part Thirteen: (Sectionals) The Truth Comes Out... Again

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"I bet we get stuck with Mr Sinacori as our Sectionals advisor," Artie said with a sneer as your small group was gathered around the piano.

"Oh, the creepy math teacher?"

"He's always singing when he walks down the halls."

"Which just makes him creeper," you nodded, adding onto Kurt's point, "It's always that 'Sunshine and Lollipops' song."

"Hey, guys. Did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn's aid during rehearsal yesterday?"

A loud squeak sounded throughout the choir room, causing you to turn to look at what had made the noise, watching as Quinn landed on her ass.

Finn and Puck rushed to go check on her. Crouching down by either of her sides, as you started to make your way up behind her.

"Is it the baby? Is it coming?" Finn rushed to ask.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I think we're supposed to get hot towels," Puck said.

You rolled your eyes at the two dumb boys.

"Would you both just shut up!" Quinn yelled, "There's, like, sweat on the floor. I slipped, okay? I'm fine!"

"Yeah, you're fine. Just angry and sitting in a pool of sweat." She looked over her shoulder at your squatted form with a harsh glare, which you smiled at. "Come on, blondie." You reached under her arms to help her stand. "Let's get you up from the gross floor."

Once she was back on her feet, you whispered so that only she could hear.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

You sighed when she nodded to you in reply, tension falling from your shoulders immediately.

"No." You shook your head, neutral face hiding the anxiety now flowing within you. "I went to her too. I mean, she is pregnant."

Rachel squinted her eyes at you for a second, almost as though she was evaluating you. Which she was.


"I mean, he likes her." Artie shook his head, then clarified his words, "I'm mean, they're friends. We all know that."

"Yeah, but it seemed like more than that. I've never told you guys this before, but I'm a little psychic," Rachel said, "I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense."

"Rachel, you do realise that when I convinced you that you were a psychic when we were eleven, that it was a joke, right ?"

"No. I know what I feel. Something is definitely going on there."

"Uh, we. We got to go," Mercedes said for all of you.

"We have to practice."

"Oh, and we will, as soon as Mr Schuester names a faculty advisor to replace him," Kurt reasoned, following the rest of you from the room.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I mean, it. It's not like Carrie or anything."

"You're not psychic, Rachel!"

"Hey. She's onto it."

"I know. It's really freaking me out."

"I mean, it is pretty obvious. Also." You wrapped your arms around both Mercedes' and Tina's shoulders. "Why are you talking on the phone to each other when you're right next to each other?"

"Hold up." Tina looked down at her phone. "Artie's buzzing in. I'm going party line."

"Dudes, this is serious," you heard Artie's voice coming through the receiver as Tina held it up for you to hear. Meanwhile, Mercedes still had her own phone pressed against her ear as you walked, "If she finds out, she's going to tell Finn. She's a total trout mouth."

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