Part Sixteen: (Home) Demon Drink

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"Um, all right, I have one final announcement before we all leave," Mr Schue said, taking a seat on a stool in front of the class, "We can't use the auditorium for the next week."

"But that's garbage. How are we supposed to practice for Regionals without the auditorium?" Finn asked.

"The Cheerios need it to practice in." He shrugged. "There's nothing I can do."

"I recommend a sit-in," your sister spoke, hopping up from her seat.

"I recommend we torch the place," Puck countered, slapping Mike's fist with his own.

You waved your finger to the boy, "I like that idea more. But seriously though, they have the gym to practice in."

"Well, for some reason, Sue needs the auditorium for them." Mr Schue shrugged once more.

"Then we use the gym."

"The acoustics will be terrible," Rachel said.

"It wasn't for Kurt and Mercedes when they were singing."

"That's different."

"How?" Knowing that you weren't gonna get an answer from that, you continued to ask, "Then we use the choir room."

"It's not big enough," Tina pointed out, "We need to know what we're doing for a full stage."

You threw your head back and groaned.

"So, torching the place, it is."

"No." The Spanish teacher put his foot down. "Look, we've all faced adversity before, and we've come out stronger on the other end. I'm going to check out a few off-site locations for us to use, just for the week. I promise I'll find us a new home."

"Please tell me it's not going to be your home," you muttered, gaining a light smack to your arm from Quinn sitting by your side.

You were expecting your teacher to say something in reply, but were soon proven wrong when the bell signalling the end of lessons rang throughout the school. You rose from your seat along with the rest of your friends... except for Artie, that is. Trailing from the room, looking over your shoulder at Brittany and Santana. All the while, Kurt made Fin hang back to look at something.


It truly was one of your favourite times of the school day. Of any day, really.

You had been hanging with the two cheerleader's ever since you had left the choir room, which included getting lunch with them. Not that they really had anything on their trays.

Telling them that they needed to grab more than a banana and some salad for lunch, Brittany interrupted you to talk about her cat just as a third cheerleader came up to your small group.

"I'm pretty sure my cat's been reading my diary."

Your eyes met with Santana's momentarily.

"Hey, guys," Mercedes greeted, looking directly at her fellow Cheerios, " can I ask you something?"

No answer, but the girl continued on with her question, anyway.

"How do you manage to stay so skinny?"

"'The Sue Sylvester Master Clense'm" Santana replied, lifting her metal Cheerios water bottle up as if she were making some shitty TV advertisement, Brittany following suit.

"The what?" You asked, "Go on. Tell me what's in it. This cannot be good."

"It's got water, maple syrup for glucose, lemon for acid," the Latina began to list off, obviously repeating word for word what her coach had said, "Cayenne pepper, irritate the bowls. And a dash of Ipecac, a vomiting agent."

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