Part One: (Pilot) Please, God. I'd Rather Have An Alarm Clock

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Being startled awake by your sister's vocal runs, which sounded like something you would hear a monster in a horror movie make, and your parent's playing the piano and lightly singing a tune downstairs was something you would rather miss out on.

Well, in all honesty, you could happily deal with your father's in the morning.

It was cute if anything.

But those vocal runs, though.

It felt like something was digging into your ears and scratching through your bones every time you heard them.

You would give almost anything to sleep in.

Just once.

That is, until you remembered that it was a school day and you had to be earlier than you liked to drive you and your sister to school.

Releasing a loud groan from deep in your chest, you pulled the pillow from behind you and smothered yourself with it. Dulling the continuous sound pouring from your mouth that could still be heard lightly through the walls of your bedroom.

"Y/N's awake," your father, LeRoy said, a smile in his voice.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Your sister called happily through the wall.

You slammed the soft pillow into your abdomen, finally removing it from your face, head resting upon the mattress as you yelled your reply.

"I'm moving out!"

The sounds of three people laughing made a smile tug at your lips, no matter the annoyances, you still loved your family and their quirks.

Minus the vocal runs.

Those you could do without.


You stumbled your way downstairs, almost falling down the last two. Which was evident in the way you tumbled forward and had to rework your footing, legs buckling slightly to brace yourself.

Luckily you didn't land on your face.

"You need to be careful," LeRoy spoke in a contending manner, shaking his head lightly at you.

"Those stairs are a death trap."

"Maybe it's not the stairs that's the issue," Hiram, your other father, joined in now, "Maybe you need to watch your footing more."

"And be awake for more than five minutes," your sister butted in, walking past you from where she just exited the kitchen, with a plate of buttered toast in her hand. Which you swiftly stole a slice of. "Hey!"

"I'm hungry."

"You eat more than all of us combined."

"Well, I don't see you lifting heavy things for hours during the day."

"I much prefer to spend my free time rehearsing my sheet music, thank you."

"And this is why I have a car, and you don't."

"Alright," LeRoy raised his hands in a 'cool-down' manner, "Let's not do this now, shall we? Don't you have to get to school?"

"Don't remind me," you muttered, finishing off the last of your stolen toast.

"Ah, you take after me. I never used to like going to school either." Hiram pointed your way. "I just wanted to be on stage as soon a possible."

"And that's where we differ."

"You get that from your grandfather."

"But I'm adopted," you said with a light smile.

"Who told you?!" Hiram exclaimed behind you after hitting the piano softly, just enough to make a noise.

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