Part Eighteen: (Laryngitis) Sexy Eyebrow Tick

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Sometimes life was weird.

Well, honestly, life was weird a lot of the time.

But you never expected to be startled with something so abnormal on a Monday morning.

Even your teacher was shocked and had to do a double-take when Puck entered the choir room.

A bald Puck

"Who is that guy?" You overheard Brittany as a shocked Santana.

The sam Santana who came up to you after the lesson and told you, "Puck doesn't turn me on anymore."

"So what? Is that my job now, or something?"

You shut your locker door, glancing at the girl before she followed you down the hallway.

"I'm being serious, Y/N. It's like he's not hot anymore."

"Are you sure it's the hair that's doing it and not just the fact he's a man?"

Santana scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Am I coming over tonight, or what?"

You stopped. Looking into her brown eyes for a few moments.

"Okay. Come the usual way at the same time. My dads may joke about me having cheerleaders sleeping at the house, but they'd flip if they found out."

She smiled at you seductively, running a hand down your arm, "See you then." Then she spun on her heel and left.

"What did she want?" Quinn asked, walking up to you.

"It's Santana," you reasoned, with a shrug, feeling kinda shitty that you were lying to the blonde. It wasn't like you were dating her, so why did it feel like cheating? "She always flirts for no reason."

"She was flirting?"

"Why? Jealous?" you teased.

The blonde shook her head, eyes looking onto the ceiling. But never once denying your words.

"So, can I maybe stay over tonight?"


"Uh. sorry, no." At her sad face, you rushed to think of a lie. "Rachel's making me watch all these sad musicals with her. Said something about it mirroring her misery." You rolled your eyes. "We're gonna be up well into the night with her sobbing and cry-yelling about the story. You don't want to be there. Trust me . I'm only saving you. How about this-" You held onto her arm, still wanting to make her happy, hoping to give her something to look forward to. "-Stay over this weekend. The whole weekend . Come Friday night, and I'll drive you to school Monday morning. You won't even need to see Puck during that time."

Quinn smiled brightly at that.

"Really? Your dad's won ' t mind?"

"You, kidding?" you asked rhetorically, "They love having you over. I think they miss you being there more than they will me and Rachel, when we go to college."

She giggled, "Well, I am very likeable."

"That you are, Fabray."

'That you are...'


"I am very disappointed in you guys."

"Always know how to start a lesson, huh, Mr Schue?" you asked, walking into the room, a little late for the club meeting.

Finn turned to your sister as you sat down beside Brittany.

"Can't believe you narked on us."

"Don't get mad at me for exposing your laziness," she shot back.

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