Part Eleven: (Hairography) The Baby Sitters Lonely Hearts Club Band

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"What the hell is going on here?" you said, hopping down the stairs of the auditorium, raising a hand to greet the girls in black and yellow standing upon the stage, "Hello, new people!"

"Y/N." Mr Schue smiled, gesturing for you to take a seat with your friends. Which you did. Plopping down between Matt and Kurt. "Glad you could make it. Okay, guys, so first of all. I want to welcome Ms Hitchens and the Jane Addams Glee Club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got."

The woman who had been introduced to you as Ms Hitchens turned to speak to the girls, "Hit it."

I shake my jelly at every chance

When I whip with my hips you slip into a trance

Leaning over, you whispered in Matt's ear, "You think I could get any of those girls' number?"

"Is your mind ever out of the gutter?" he chuckled.

"You're watching the same performance as me, right?"

I don't think you're ready for this jelly

I don't think you're ready for this jelly

I don't think you're ready for this, 'cause my body's too bootylicious for you, babe

A nudge came to your side as you watched the girls jump and land with the splits, Kurt this time, the boy noticing the smile on your face, "Stop it," he hissed over.

"What? They're hot. I am respectfully ogling them."

'Cause my body's too bootylicious for you, babe

Applause came from your group. Along with an almost evil chuckle from your mouth, when you turned to gauge everyone else's reactions, only to see Quinn placing her hand over Finn's clapping ones. Obviously jealous of the girls on the stage.

Well, this was not how you were expecting the day to go.


It was the next day, and you were in the choir room.

Sat beside Mike, watching as Brittany and Santana playfully danced together at the front of the class.

"All right, guys," your teacher announced his presence, walking into the room, "I did some thinking last night."

"That's never good," you mumbled to yourself, gaining a soft snort from the boy by your side.

"I think I found our new number for Sectionals." All of the previously standing students moved to take a seat, waiting for the man to finish. "We're going to do the title song from ' Hair '. Now, this show started a revolution ."

"Wait, did they have mohawks back then?" Puck piped up, "Like in the '20s or whatever?"

"Late 60's."

"How do you know that?"

You turned to the glaring boy. "My sister is Rachel Berry. Ask me that again."

"Yeah, Mr Schue," Finn said, agreeing with his delinquent friend, "If we're gonna do a song about hair, shouldn't we have more hair?"

"One step ahead of you." Mr Schue raised the bag that he as just slid from his shoulder. "Here are your wigs." He then threw it onto Finn's lap.

" What? " you asked, leaning forward in your seat, "Mr Schue, there's a reason that I cut my hair short."

"Mr Schuester?" Your sister rushed up to the man. "What are you doing-?" Their conversation trailed off as wigs were being pulled from the duffle bag and handed around to everyone with short hair.

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