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"You're going to reveal us" a young woman says sternly

"No I won't, I'm being careful" the younger girl replies

"You know the consequences if our cover is blown, especially if the werewolves find out" a tall man who looks like he's in his late twenties warns

"I know I know......" the young girl try's to convince them

"No you're not! We gave you that ring we can easily take it away" the man shouts

"You're killing recklessly, the police are catching on." the young woman warns

"I know, I plan on killing a werewolf and then dropping it" the girl reassures them

"I wish werewolves would go extinct" a young boy snarls "why can't we kill them all?"

"Because their dangerous, they could easily kill us" the man explains

"When I'm head of the clan that will be my first mission, kill all werewolves" the boy smiles

"Hey Dad" Stiles call out as he walks through the sherifs station towards his dads office with Scott in tow

"Stiles? Why are you here?" Sherif Stilinski asks

"What can't I visit my old dad once in a while?" Stiles lies. Sherif Stilinski raises an eyebrow showing he doesn't believe him "ok so we're here to find out if you made any progress on the murders" Stiles confesses

"How did you know about those....... Stop listening in on dispatches!" Stilinski shouts (A/N sorry I completely forgot what he uses to find out)

"Sorry but we're trying to help" Stiles defends

"You help when it's supernatural, this is completely human" The sherif argues

"How do you know that? Do you have any suspects? All of the last times they've been supernatural" Stiles counters

"No we don't have any suspects, but there is a something that is the same about all the bodies that make me think their tied." Stiles and Scott both look up at the sherif waiting to hear what he has to say "all the bodies have been drained of blood" the Sherif sighs

"And you still don't think this is supernatural" Stiles sasses

"Ok so maybe it is but I don't want you involved Stiles" Stilinski protests

"What! What about Scott?" Stiles complains

"He's a werewolf, that's different" The sherif sighs again

"So I'm a liability?" Stiles asks incredulously

"No I'm saying I don't want to see you hurt! You're my son and it's my duty as a father to protect you and I can't do that if you just dive head first into all danger!" The sherif yells silencing his son

"Don't worry Sherif, I'll keep him safe and out of trouble" Scott reassures him

"I'm not a baby" Stiles grumbles

"I'll investigate a bit and see if I can find out if it is supernatural and what it is" Scott says ignoring Stiles' complaints

"Great, thank you Scott you're like the son I always wanted" Stilinski says jokingly

"Wow am i invisible to you?" Stiles asks incredulously

"No I'm saying that Scott's not reckless and he's got a plan" The Sherif replies

"I'm usually the one who come up with the plans, I'm just never allowed to execute them" Stiles mumbles

"Any way you two need to get outta here, I'm busy" Stilinski shoos the two boys away

They head outside towards Stiles' Jeep, once Stiles starts driving he speaks "So do you have any idea on what could be killing all those people?" Stiles asks

"We'll no, but I think not everybody who gets attacked dies. At the hospital mum says there have been multiple people come in with blood loss" Scott explains

"I see, so you think their linked?" Stiles asks

"Yeah i think that whoever's doing this is definitely supernatural, maybe there's more than one? I'm not sure but first things first we need to figure out what this creature could be" Scott says

"Well then it's time to take a trip to the Argent household" Stiles smiles turning left down a round towards Alison's house

A/N Ahhhh I'm not sure when I last posted but today I felt motivated so i bring you this! Lately I've been reading a lot which means I don't write, I'm trying to get back on schedule but I'm really tired and I'm actually still thinking about a plot since I originally planned on ending it after the blue moon so you might not get a chapter Saturday night but i will try to get one up by the 15th.

Anyway hope you enjoyed, do you have any ideas on what the creature is and who the people at the beginning were?

Also thanks for 3k reads!

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