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"I bet you talking won't work" Derek grumbles

"Yeah why don't we just kill them all?" Isaac questions

"I agree with Isaac, let's just Kill them" Liam agrees

"NO! We are not killing anyone" Scott growls

"Well we'll have to if it gets too close to the blue moon" Derek says

"Why would we?" Scott asks getting annoyed at his pack

"Because it would be a kill or be killed situation, and frankly I like being alive" Peter says

"Why are you here? Nobody likes you" Stiles says to Peter "plus I didn't even know you knew your mate"

"I don't but the blue moon is still really bad" He says

"Ok shut up all of you. We are going to talk first, we have to at least try. Argent arranged for us to meet them tonight and I expect all of you to be there" Scott says looking at Liam

"Why are you looking at me? I'll probably mess it up anyway so why should I be there?" Liam argued

"Because its an alphas order" Scott flashed his eyes red and Liam backed down


The pack was stood in the middle of the forest here they were supposed to be meeting the hunters. In the distance there was a group of about five hunters approaching, Argent leading them. They finally made their way to the clearing and stopped.

"What do you want, werewolf" a tall dark haired man asked taking another step forward.

"We want to know why you're here, in beacon hills" Scott says also taking a step forward. Isaac, who was stood to Scott's left, growled at the hunters showing his claws "Isaac calm down" Scott said not even turning to see if he had done as he asked, he knew that Isaac would obey.

"We're here to do our jobs, hunt" a short girl that stood to the mans right said. She also had quite dark hair that was just below her shoulders.

"Hunting werewolves. Well we can't have that" Derek growls from Scott's right, the werewolves of the pack all flashed their eyes and stand in a stance ready for a fight

"Enough!" Scott roars, flashing his eyes making his pack back down again "I think I made a mistake in bringing all of you, I should have just brought Lydia and Stiles" Scott mumbled turning back to the hunters

"We kill werewolves because you're dangerous" another man says, he had blond hair unlike all the others who all either had black or brown hair.

"We protect humans" Scott argues

"No you're predators, you kill humans, it's in your nature" The tall man says

"Not this pack. We protect humans not kill them" Scott replies

"What happens when one of you looses control" behind all of the other 4 hunters stood the fifth, hidden by shadows, he walked forward revealing himself. He was average height with brown hair but the most prominent feature of his was the fact that he only had one arm. "I was attacked by a werewolf on a full moon"

"Not all werewolves are like that, I admit some are" Scott says lowering his voice and sounding sympathetic, he looked from Isaac to Derek to Liam and to Peter before looking at the hunters again "But this pack doesn't, in fact half of us aren't even werewolves" Scott chuckles "some are human" he motions to Stiles who waves

"You have a human in your pack?" The girl who had been quiet up until now spoke

"Yeah he's my best friend, he's a really big help" Scott smiles

"Yeah it's hard work keeping you all in check" Stiles laughs

"And you" The tall man spoke again motioning to Argent "You're a hunter and yet you do not kill them"

"I go by a new code 'we protect those who cannot protect themselves'" Argent replies

"Well I was never too fond of killing people so this seems like a good excuse not to" the blond haired man says

"Well glad we could work through our differences, now you know we protect this town" Scott smiles "and I'm sorry about what happened to you, the wolf was probably newly bitten and freaked out" the one armed man smiled back at him

"We are sorry that we bothered you, you seem like nice people. But just know that if you do kill a human we will kill you" one of the girls say

"Are you guys like.. family?" Malia asks making the tall man laugh

"Yes we are siblings, born and raised hunters" he smiles at her

After a few goodbyes and threats to kill each other, they parted ways. "Told you guys talking would work" Scott says smugly

"Yeah yeah shut up" Liam grumbles "now we have to get through the blue moon"

A/N it's been a while! I wanted to show that there are more good hunters like argent and Allison so I made them up. Tell me if you want to see more of them and I'll try to incorporate them some more! Hope you enjoyed

Mate Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora