Chapter Nineteen | He's Just...Scared

Start from the beginning

"Xavier, you aren't a monster." I try to reassure him gently.

"You have to say that, you're one of my best friends." He mumbled.

Well...yes but also no. Xavier isn't a monster and he'd never be a monster even if he tried his fucking hardest to become a monster, he'd never be able to accomplish it. It was a difficult feat for someone like him who was a giant teddy bear. Out of all of my close friend group, Xavier is the least intimidating and he's the one you'd be able to easily approach.

Lighthearted, chill, dorky, and air headed — I swear he needs a mental evaluation because he exuded dumb blonde energy — Xavier Shiftman is a man who you just got along with. He got along with everyone and it wasn't hard for the extroverted giant to socialize with everyone. People gravitated to him, wanted to befriend him, and some even wanted to be him. This is the same Xavier who would spot a bug inside and rather than kill the damn thing, he'd try and catch it in order to set it free.

He's the sweetest guy I've ever met so it broke my heart to think that he was really considering himself a monster for what happened with Professor Graylin. Sure the bastard is still unconscious to this day but he deserved it. The sooner Xavier realizes it, the sooner he'll be at peace with himself.

If anyone could be categorized as a monster, it'd be Gnashton. Love the dude but I also fucking hate his guts all at the same time. He would've done that shit to Professor Graylin without even batting an eyelash, without possessing an ounce of remorse. Xavier is an angel compared to all of us, especially compared to Gnashton.

"Regardless of us being friends or not, you know that I don't have a filter." I reminded him.

He nodded. "That's true. You're like Kai 2.0 but the meaner version."

I glare at him and punch his shoulder. "Not fucking true."

Xavier looks at me with disbelief.

"That girl from our literature class? Yeah, she doesn't even contribute in class anymore, I wonder why. Also, that one guy who bumped into Kaylee when we went to the mall that one time is probably traumatized now by you. Oh, and did you forget about —"

"Okay!" I cut him off, nodding in agreement. "I'm an ass but you are not an ass and you're most definitely not a monster, Xavier. You could never be a monster."

Xavier looks away from me. His fingers begin to twirl around again like he was doing before we got sidetracked by my track record of asshole encounters. Which, by the way, I don't think are my fault. Well, except the one in literature class. I really needed to apologize to her someday.

Focusing my attention back on my solemn friend, I grab one of his hands to stop him from messing with his fingers but that doesn't stop him from avoiding making any kind of eye contact with me.

"Easton...he just looked so scared. He was scared of me. He already wasn't so fond of me before but now," Xavier swallows and shakes his head. "Now I feel like I screwed everything up. I thought I was doing the right thing — "

You did.

" — but I clearly didn't and now he probably hates me." He snatched his hand out of my hold and buried his face into both of his hands.

I didn't know what to say. Comforting people is not something that I was good at, it wasn't apart of the job description when I became friends with Xavier either so I didn't anticipate that a day like this would come where I would genuinely have to be there to lend him my shoulder and give him kind and reassuring words that would help him feel better.

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