New and Unfamiliar

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Cinder and Kai try to find a way to approach their blossoming relationship during their time on the Rampion.

Cinder stood in front of Kai's room, gathering courage to knock. She didn't have a good excuse for visiting him. She didn't even have a question to ask him.

She simply wanted to see him.

After months of being apart from him, and with the gloomy day of their separation approaching faster than she wanted, it felt like a waste to spend few relatively peaceful weeks they had together on different parts of the ship.

When she finally knocked on his door, her stomach was tight with anticipation. She wasn't used to feeling like this—wanting to see someone and be with them so much it caused a visceral reaction.

"Come in," Kai's soft voice called from inside the room.

Cinder took a deep breath before entering. She found Kai sitting at a small metal desk pushed to the side of a far wall. His room was as small as any other room on the Rampion, but he seemed to have adjusted to its size despite living his whole life in a huge palace.

It's been barely a week since they kidnapped him, but Kai had already become a part of their crew. He got along well with everyone else, he ate everything they ate and he never complained about doing physical work. It was still so very obvious he was completely out of his element, but Cinder couldn't deny it was absolutely endearing to watch him try to maneuver his new surroundings.

Kai turned around to see the newcomer, and smiled immediately as his eyes fell on Cinder. "Hey."

Tight knot in Cinder's stomach eased a bit. He looked genuinely happy to see her. "Hey. Am I interrupting you in something?"

Kai shook his head and locked a portscreen he was typing on just seconds ago. "I was writing your revolution speech, but that can wait."

"Oh," Cinder said, immensely grateful he'd taken upon himself to write a speech for her. Words were not her strong suit. "Is it going well or am I just going to sound like a female version of you?"

Kai smiled and stood up from the chair. "It definitely lacks your feisty charm and wit, but we can work on adding that together."

Cinder rolled her eyes and sat down on his bed. The mattress was so firm and sturdy it was almost painful. "Thank you. For doing that." She twiddled her thumbs. "It's not really in description of your job."

"Well, I did test high on verbal intelligence. It would be a shame not to use it," he said and sat next to her. His clean soapy smell made her relax completely. "I want to help in any way I can. Sadly, there's not a lot of ways I can help you to begin with."

She reached out and placed her hand on his. "The time will come when you'll have to use all the charm you possess to help move our plan forward. Better save your energy for that."

Kai stroked metal fingers of her hand. He then raised her hand and pressed a soft kiss on the back of her palm. "I'd much rather use my charm on you."

Cinder was breathless, but managed to ask, "And when has that worked well for you?"

Tingly sparks running through her body were a clear indication that his charm was in fact working very well right now. Kai must have noticed her lie as well, and he only smiled into her hand.

It was hard to put into words what this thing blossoming between them was. Feelings they had for one another were strong on both sides, but Cinder was hesitant, scared, to name it. It felt fragile, like it might break if things don't turn out well in the end. If they lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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