Best Surprise

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Torin surprises Kai for his birthday.

Emperor Kaito never celebrated his birthday.

At least he hadn't for the past two years since he became an emperor. Even before that, his birthday celebrations were surprisingly modest for a crown prince of world's largest country. The sad truth was he grew up as a sheltered prince and never had too many friends he could spend that special day with. Usually his mother and father would take a day off and abandon their royal duties to be with him for that full day. They would sneak out of the palace to walk the city streets and eat food from the vendors, completely different from all the delicacies waiting in the palace. With both of them now gone, Kai remembered those birthdays with aching fondness.

Despite not making a big deal out of it, nobody ever forgot it was their emperor's birthday. Palace cooks would make all of his favorite dishes, gifts from important politicians were arriving from all parts of the world, reporters were writing articles about him, usually comparing how much he's changed during the years.

Still, Kai never cared about any of that. He would usually spend entire day busy with paperwork, meetings and revising the laws. If he was lucky enough to have his birthday fall on Sunday- his only free day of the week- he would spend it sleeping and lounging in his private quarters.

This year was different, though. There was one person in the palace who had no intention allowing emperor to waste his day doing work. Even though he usually said that work comes first, Torin refused to have him sitting at his desk all day and brood about not having seen Cinder in months.

With that in mind he knocked on Kai's cherry wood door and walked into the office. As he expected, Kai was hunched over his desk, staring at his portscreen. He didn't even lift his head to see who entered his office.

Torin cleared his throat. "Your Majesty."

Kai lifted his head, surprised to see his advisor standing on the doorway. "Torin, when did you come in? I don't think I heard you."

Torin exhaled and closed the door. "That's because you've been focusing on nothing but work for entire day."

"I was in the middle of reviewing new transportation laws."

"It's your birthday, Your Majesty."

Kai furrowed his brows. "I know that."

Torin stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "Have you considered taking a break? Having lunch, maybe?"

Kai waved his hand as if lunch was something meaningless. His portscreen pinged with a new message, occupying his attention immediately. Even though Kai showed nothing but strong dedication to work since he became emperor, Torin was starting to get worried about his social life. He knew young emperor had friends, but they were scattered all over the world. And with his girlfriend ruling the moon, he didn't doubt Kai would get lonely sometimes. Nobody should feel lonely on their birthday.

"Kaito." Torin used his first name so rarely it instantly got Kai's attention. "Could you come to the security rooms for a minute? Guards said there was a... possible break-in."

Kai's jaw slacked. "A break-in? You're only telling me now, Torin?"

Torin tried not to cringe at his horrible lie. The only thing that mattered was getting Kai out of his office. "Yes, well. It's probably nothing serious."

While they walked through palace hallways, Torin noticed the concern over possible security breach worrying the emperor. He felt sorry for adding unnecessary worries to Kai's ever growing pile, but he hoped to make it up with his surprise. Kai was so in his head he hadn't notice Torin had pressed a different elevator button.

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