Chapter 13

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Y/n pov.

Peter jumped towards me. Everything was in slow motion, For once I found fear within my heart. I didn't want to die. I held out my hand as it barely touched his. He was pushed by green goblin as he laughed. Peter2 jumped and held me cradling me gently as we got the ground. I didn't die. I looked at him as he got emotional.

"Are you ok?" He asked as I nodded." are you ok? " I asked back. "Yeah, it's like deja vu you know?" He spoke as he placed me on the ground. I ran towards mj hugging her. "Are you ok?" I asked. " Yeah, I am ok. Thanks for saving me. "Spoke Mj as my coat came back to me. "Y/n look!" Shouted ned as he came down with my dad's cape. " I gotta go. " I spoke as I went towards my father to see him trying to control the spell but it broke through .

"DAD WHY IS THE SKY CRACKING?" I shouted. " DON'T SAY ANYTHING JUST BLOCK THEM BY MAGIC! " He spoke. As he made a symbol and started blocking them. I performed a spell creating two blue sheilds. "MOTHER OF THE SAPPHIRE STONE. I WANT YOUR STRENGTH TO HELP THE WORLD. I ASK FOR YOUR STONE!" I shouted as I could feel energy forming in my hands. Dad looked at me shocked as I opened my hand to see the sapphire stone.

Slowly looking my powers as I patched up the sky. I felt weak extremely weak. "Y/n You sure you are alright?" Spoke dad as he looked at my paler face. " Mhmmm" I murmured but I could feel all my powers drain. I slowly dropped in the void. "Coat, take her to mj." Spoke dad which was the last thing I heard as I blacked out.

Mj pov

I found an unconscious y/n as she came to me. "Hey,hey y/n can you here me?" I spoke shaking her. " Ned, do something! " "I don't know what to do!" " You know magic! Fix her! " " I don't have the ring! " Ned shouted. "SHE IS UNCONSCIOUS, SHE WILL BE OKAY! GET HER SOME WATER FROM THE OCEAN!" Shouted strange. " WHY SHOULD WE LISTEN TO YOU? WHAT ARE YOU? A DOCTOR? " Shouted ned as I looked at him weirdly.

"Um, my name is doctor strange." Strange spoke . "So what?" Shouted ned. " Oh, I get it. " Ned spoke again as he went to get water. We saw green goblin and peter fighting. As Peter tried to kill goblin Peter3 stopped him. "she is up!" Spoke ned as he sprayed some water on y/n's face. "What happened?" She whispered . I did nothing but point at peter and goblin.

Y/n pov.

I stoop up abruptly as I ran towards peter. "Y/n no!" Shouted ned but by didn't listen. I went towards peter and used my magic pulling the goblin's shop towards me as Peter3 pushed it towards peter. We went so far in we can't back out so fast. " Peter stop! " I shouted as he pushed further. I doubled my powers and got rid of the ship. "NO!" I shouted as I saw goblin pierce a part of the ship in peter3.

" She was there because of you I may have struck the blow, but you are the one that killed her. "Spoke goblin as he laughed. "Peter it's not your fault love! Don't listen to him!" I spoke as I looked at Peter2 and he threw the cure at me as I struck the cure in goblin's back. He came back to his senses as he looked at me. "Y/n Strange." He spoke. "Norman. " I whispered. "What have I done?" He spoke to which I let out a sob.

All of us went towards peter3. "Hey, you are ok. Does it hurt?" I spoke as I pressed on his back to see if the abdominal cavity is clear. " yeah is m good. I've been stabbed before. "He spoke. "Oh good,good,good." Spoke peter2. I made a first aid kit and made Peter3 sit up as they talked with him and I stitched the wound. Suddenly we heard the sky cracking sound.

"What? Is that happening or am I dying?" Spoke peter3. " No that's happening,that Is real. " Spoke peter2. "Are there people in the sky?" Asked peter3. I stood up looking at what was happening . The book warned this. "Y/n! I need you!" Shouted dad I flew to him so did peter. "What is happening?" Asked peter. " They are starting to come through and I can't stop them. "Dad spoke in a painful voice as if he was tired and about to cry.

" WARNING: THIS SPELL IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. IT CAN MAKE PEOPLE COME FROM THE DIFFERENT UNIVERSES TO YOURS. THE ONLY WAY TO STOP IT TO MAKE THAT THE PERSON IS FORGOTTEN BY ALL. " I Whispered. Dad looked at my heartbroken face. "Obviously the warnings come after the spell." He murmured . "Can't you just cast the spell again. The original way, before I screwed it up." Peter spoke.

"We're too late for that. They're here." I spoke as I looked at him tears blurring my eyes. " they're here because of you! "Spoke dad annoyed. "Don't say that!" I shouted at him as Peter looked him in the eyes. "What if everyone forgot who I was?" " What? " "They are coming here because of me, right? Because I am Peter Parker? So cast a new spell. But this time. Make everyone forget who Peter Parker is." " No" "But it would work right?" Spoke peter with my father as I listened crying. I

"Yeah it would work." I spoke. " but you got to understand everyone who knows and loves you, y/n, me, your friends we we'd have no memory of you." DAD said as he looked at peter. "It would be as though you never existed, and I can't let you do that because you mean so much to me." I spoke.

"Do it." Spoke peter.


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