Chapter 1

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"Honey wake up! You got to go to school!" My dad shouted as I groaned. Sleepily I got out of the fluffy bed ready to start my rather interesting day. Hear me out first.

I am y/n strange, I am a 16 year old girl, who has super powers. Well you can say it in that way or you can say that I do unique magic. Well I go by the name of Sapphire, that's my super hero name. I am adopted by Doctor strange. I don't show my self to the world, I do that by covering myself with a mask, so no one knows. What ever I do comes out in the colour blue, like shields, ropes, basically everything I do with magic is blue.

"It's Saturday dad, we don't have school." I spoke getting out of room to see the whole scantrum covered with snow. Suddenly my flying coat came by letting me wear it and making me much warmer. "What the-" I shuttered. "I know y/n, we made a portal to a really cold place and a snow ❄ storm came here, it's weird right?" He spoke in a questioning manner wearing a hoodie and a jacket with his cloak resting on him.

I rolled my eyes with a smile as I walked towards making me fall right on my ass. "Careful!" He spoke right as I fell down. Could my day get any worse? He lend me a hand as I got up. He put a hand on my shoulder walking with me together so I don't fall.

"I am gonna go on a walk, it's been stressful lately after the Mysterio incident, So I am gonna see if Peter is ok." I spoke rather in a statement. He gave me the 'Ugh the boyfriend again look.' Before nodding. "You are the best dad ever! "I spoke as I went towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " yeah yeah, heard that before, now go! " He spoke chuckling.

I got out of the Santrum as I made my way towards Peter. But in the way I saw, a video footage of Mysterio. "Spider man 's real name is Peter Parker! He is trying to kill me! He is controlling the stark drones!" This son of a bitch.

I generated my power in my hands as my eyes glowed blue I flew upwards putting my mask on. I landed on top of a building near Peter. He looked back suddenly relieved as he came to me taking his mask of as I did mine. He kissed me making sure how scared he was about me.

"Hey." " Hey " Small words were spoken but with full meaning. "I can take care of my self you know?" I asked . "I know,but I am still scared everyone knows, they think MJ is my girlfriend! They got it all wrong!" He replied.

" Hey, that's fine! They don't like spiderman's friends but they do like Sapphire don't they? Now our main goal is to get our best friend out of the crowd I will get her out by flying her and I will give her to you and you take her over to your house. I will make sure that the crowd's focus is on me. " I spoke.

"Good at planning, huh?" He asked. I chuckled before flying down. "Ayup mates! What are you doing to the poor girl?" I spoke up as all of them looked at me. " SAPPHIRE!!! "They all shouted as I laughed.

"Let me talk to the girl, can i?" I asked. MJ looked at me with a small smile. "But she is Spiderman's girlfriend, haven't you seen the news? " One of them asked. "Yeah,but she is my science partner so I gotta finish my project, let her go." I commanded as they stayed silent, I took that as a yes.

I grabbed a hold of MJ as we flew upwards making her scream."you should know that I don't like flying, oh you doing this again! I told you to stop!" She exclaimed. "Wait and watch the next part will make you hate me more." I laughed as I threw her to Peter making her scream even more. I saw a lot of helecopters and I know he is done for.

I went through the window to see MJ and Peter. "Oh thank God your are ok love." I spoke as I hugged mj. "Even though I am still mad at you for doing that, but I am ok." She whispered ad I sighed in relief. "Why don't you go and get May and Happy?." I asked as she nodded and rushed to find them.

"Now you mister need to take the suit off,oh go my dad will be so mad about seeing me in the tv." I spoke as I helped him take it off. "I am so sorry for bringing you into this." He spoke looking down. I kissed his cheek. "We get through this together, remember?" I asked as he nodded hugging me. Suddenly the door burst open.

"I didn't see anything." " Use protection and lock the door." "Y/n have you even talked to your dad about this?" Asked both may and Happy. "It's not what it looks like, I promise." Hurried Peter. "Ugh Peter, just wear your clothes and let me explain." I groaned.

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