Bonus Story - [Perception]

Start from the beginning



The three of us fell silent afterwards. Contemplating on the words laid out.

As much as I want to disagree, what Horikita-san said was true.

That brief interaction between Ayanokōji-kun and Chabashira-sensei was full of red flags.

First, the Unnaturality of a teacher to approach a student in the middle of the day.

And Second was how mysterious the interaction itself, was.

Don't get me wrong. I know Ayanokōji-kun's a mystery like the void deep in the abyss.

But when a third party gets involve that gets his atmosphere to crack... Well, that's a different story all on its own

Overall, Ayanokōji-kun was just saying things in order for us not to pry. But forbidding a child is what plucks the curiosity all the more. 

"Still..." Ichinose-san spoke "that doesn't necessarily mean we have to question what had happened"

"......Mmm..." Horikita-san seemed to be dissatisfied with it. But agreed nonetheless.

"Well. No matter what had happened, Ayanokōji-kun is still a friend of mine so it's only natural that I trust him. I think we shouldn't force him into telling us what it was"

I tried to mitigate the building curiosity within the two with a pleasant smile.

Honestly, I'm not satisfied myself. I want to ask him what seems to have bothered him to that degree....

You could Practically slice the tensity is the Situation earlier in half.

.....Wait. Was this what he meant that kept bothering him that night?

"Hmph. Suit yourself" With those words. Horikita-san elegantly stood up from her sit.

"Eh? Where are you going Horikita-san?" Ichinose-san asked.

"I'm leaving. Kushida-san and me were already finished on our business anyway. And seems like Ayanokōji-kun won't be returning like he said. So I have no more reason to stay here"

With those Parting words. Horikita-san left like the passing wind. Not even waiting for our response.

Ugh.... This is what I hate about her.

" she always like that, Kushida-san?" Ichinose-san turned to me with a look of worry. Glancing at the back of the black haired girl. Slowly disappearing into view.

"...well... Yes. Don't worry yourself about it Ichinose-san. Horikita is just a little too serious when it comes to Stuff like this. She isn't a bad person."



..............I can't believe I said that....

"I see..."

"What about you, Ichinose-san? How much do you know about Ayanokōji-kun?" I decided to present back the earlier topic.

It's a bit risky. But I'm genuinely curious as well.

"Ah... Well..." A somewhat sad smile, made its way Across her lips. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that there's only one way this could go.... "I just realized.... That I don't know a single thing about him..."

"...I see"

Both of us are alike as I expected

"Well" I continued "don't worry about it. This is Ayanokōji-kun we're talking about after all" I responded in a cheerful manner. Trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well, yes. As I said earlier. I don't doubt him" She muttered. "It's just a little sad that to realize that I don't know a thing about my friend..."

"......I... Guess you have a point..." Sighh

Honestly, Ayanokōji-kun is a a very mysterious individual...

I don't know how it took me this long to realize that I don't quite know him at all...... Probably because I've got used to him keeping secrets from literally everyone around him.

........But I guess that's one of the things that makes him cool. Hmmm

Still though,

having him know a whole lot of my Self, while I don't know I tad bit about him isn't cool at all!!

This feel so one sided and strange.... And somehow. It's a little bit sad.

He's practically the only one that knows and understands me fully. But the same can't be said on the other side...

How Unfair is that....

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