Chapter 15-Normal

Start from the beginning

"Stay put." He said sternly but kind as he walked back towards the bathroom. He came back with a wet washcloth and softly wiped my forehead and the mascara off of my face. I smiled and closed my eyes as his hand lingered, he looked at me with worried but loving eyes and leaned down, kissing my forehead. He got up and went over, getting the bag of supplies he had brought.

"Tell me what you need," He said as he walked back over,

"I need the highest dose of pain reliever you have, and any nausea medicine if you got any." He dug through the bag, pulling out the bottles and handing me the pills with a glass of water.

"What else? Would you like the hot water bottle I brought? If so, I can go fill it up."

"Would you?" I said shyly, I didn't really like people taking care of me, I felt like a burden. I truly felt like garbage though, and I knew Josh probably loved taking care of me secretly.

"Of course I will, be right back." I watched as he walked to the bathroom quickly, trying to hurry at my expense, he was truly the sweetest person. After a while he came back around the corner,

"It's a little warm, so I wrapped it in a towel for you my love." He said as he gently gave it to me,

"Thank you," I said taking it, "What is the other bag?" I asked as I motioned to the duffle he had brought with him.

"Well, I figured if you felt bad I'd stay and help take care of you, and you obviously are in pain and feel awful so I'm staying," he paused "If thats ok," He added quietly with a grin,

"It's ok," I grinned

"Do you need anything else right now? If not, I need to shower really quick and change into something more comfortable" he asked

"I think I'm good right now, I'll be waiting for you when you get out." I smiled as I cuddled further into my bed, the hot pack and meds already helping. After a while I heard the shower turn off, Josh emerging from the bathroom with the towel wrapped around him, low on his hips. He grinned as he caught me staring at him, he walked over and kissed me on the lips, his wet curls tickling my forehead. He turned to his duffle and took out a pair of shorts slipping them on before turning to me again,

"Do you need anything?" He asked looking around,

"I think I'm ok, why don't you lay down?" I moved the covers, welcoming him next to me, he obliged, and I cuddled up to him with my head on his chest.

"So earlier, I asked you if you needed to go to the hospital and you said that this is normal, what did you mean? Cause I definitely don't think this is normal babe." he said as he wiped strands of hair from my face,

"It's normal for me," I sighed, "It's girl stuff, I don't think you want to hea-"

"I do want to hear about it," He interrupted, "I love you and want to take care of you, so If you are comfortable telling me, I'm happy to listen."

"Well, I have these two conditions, called endometriosis and PCOS, I got diagnosed a couple years ago" I said

"And what does that mean?" He asked

"Well, it means sometimes, most of the time, my periods are really painful. Sometimes it's worse than other times" he nodded as he listened

"So, is there anything they can do about it?"

"Well, they put me on birth control, and thats really the only non-invasive treatment." I sighed

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that, it sounds awful." he kissed the top of my head,

"It's ok, I have kind of gotten used to it at this point." I shrugged,

"Well from now on, you call me for things like this, I love being around you and I hate that you feel bad, but I love taking care of you," he pulled me closer,

"Well, I thought you were busy." I paused, "Oh my gosh Josh, your date!" I sat up slightly and turned to him "I'm so sorry I interrupted it,"

"Don't be sorry, there never was a date," He said as he bit the inside of his cheek, fidgeting with the comforter

"What?" I asked confused

"There was never going to be a date, I made it up, to make you jealous, because I was jealous of Penny." he sounded defeated. I burst into laughter, falling back onto the mattress. "You're not mad?" he asked confused

"You have no idea how happy that makes me. I've been hoping all day that your date would go awful so that I could tell you that I just want to be with you." He sat up and looked down at me as I lay on the pillow smiling up at him,

"Wait, what?" He asked with a hopeful smile

"The more time I've spent with you, the more I've realized I don't want anyone else. Especially after today. First that amazing date today and now you taking care of me, it's so clear to me how much you love me, and I love you too. I don't need anyone else." His lips parted slightly at my words as he stared down at me. He leaned down, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me deeply, rolling and pulling me on top of him. I pulled away and swore I saw his eyes sparkle as he looked at me. I leaned down kissing him again, he grinned this time as I pulled away, I tried to climb off of him but he held me tighter,

"Where are you going.." He pouted,

"Nowhere, I feel like I'm crushing you." I giggled,

"You're not, if you're comfortable like this, I'd like to just hold you..." He said almost shyly, I smiled and gently lowered myself back to laying on him, he wrapped his arms around me, one gently massaging the base of my scalp, and the other draped across my back. I listened as his heart slowed the longer we lay there. I had never felt more safe, or more in love than I did in this moment. After laying there for about an hour I had to get up to use the restroom, I shifted slightly and Josh slowly lowered his arms, I sat up on the bed "Did you need something?" He asked, ready to get whatever it was

"Yeah, to pee." I laughed as I stood up. When I came back Josh had to tv remote and was flipping through the channels. The severe cramps had subsided but I was still pretty uncomfortable, I walked back over to the bed with my hand on my lower abdomen, Josh noticed

"Do you need me to refill the hot water bottle?"

"No babe, I just want to lay down with you" I cuddled next to him, absent mindedly rubbing my abdomen to ease the cramps or at least try to. Josh turned on one of my favorite shows and placed the remote on the nightstand. He turned to me pulling me close and replaced my hand with his, slowly and gently massaging my abdomen,

"Does this help?" He asked sincerely,

"It does," I giggled at how attentive he was. "I love you," The words left my lips so effortlessly as I stared back at him

"I love you," He kissed my forehead, his grin turning into a beaming smile, "I will never get tired of hearing that, but you should probably get some rest." He said as he pulled the covers up over me more. We snuggled up closer and both watched the tv as we drifted to sleep.

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