~Part of the Town~1

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You breathe in the honey scented air of Colombia, you've been here for four weeks yet it never seizes to amaze you, the market was full, You laughed as you see Isabela make flowers bloom all over a little girl's hair, the girl clapped and ran away giggling, then you see a boy you haven't seen yet, his brown curly hair bounces and he's bent over laughing at a joke someone said, his eyes twinkle faintly as he stands to wipe a tear from his eye, then he looks over to you and you feel you heart skip a little, you clutch your leather satchel, as he runs up to you,"Ayo!You look new!Have you just moved here?"He asks,"Y-Yeah, my name is Y/n."You stutter a bit,"Camilo Madrial!Shape shifter extraordinar!"To prove his point he turned into me, it was like I was looking in a mirror!Oh god, my hair is wind-swept, you think and Camilo turns back to his regular form,"Say, you look really ragged, no offense of course-"I slightly laugh,"None taken, still haven't found a good place to stay, mostly been in and out of hotels and inns."I say as I try to comb down my hair with my fingers.

"Well, why don't you come and stay with me and my family?"Camilo says with a cutesy smile, you nearly choked,"A-Are you sure your family would be okay will that?"Camilo nods,"Why not?You can stay with me."You started choking.

"Oh crap!Y/n are you okay?"I nod,"Just a little, ah surprised-"A very buff woman carrying a bunch of Donkeys tries to slide behind you,"Comin' through!"She says, it took a second but you remember her name as Lusia,"Oh sorry Lusia!"Camilo says jumping back a tad bit startled as someone her height and bulk snuck up on him, you do the same to move out of her path.

"Well, I have all my stuff with me, can we go now?"I ask,"That's not a lot, but I'm sure we can buy you something later!"Camilo grabs your hand and takes you through the streets, every so often he would change form, a man, a woman, a child whatever it was, he never lost the smile on his face.

"Here we are!Casita!House of the Madrials, and now you!"You slightly blush, "Let's get you settled in Y/n!"He pulls you into the house, the light dances off of everything, you see the candle in the window still, Camilo takes you up the stairs, and into his room,"Ta-da!Welcome to my room, excuse the mess, I didn't know I was having a guest."A playful smile played on his lips,"Thanks Camilo!"You hug him tightly, the truth was you didn't have money for hotels or inns, you had been on the street, but you thought better of telling him that, you didn't want Camilo thinking that you were dirty or some kind of bum, you didn't know why you wanted Camilo to think so highly of you.

Maybe we'll all figure it out together...

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what I think Camilo's room likes like

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what I think Camilo's room likes like

Heyo!Worked pretty hard on this first chapter, sorry it's short and all but I just to put something down.

                   ~One Socky boi

~Camilo Madrigal X Male Reader~Where stories live. Discover now