Twenty four

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It was the day.. He was leaving me.. I couldn't bring myself to see him one last time.. But lar basically dragged me out of my apartment. We drove to the airport and we met them at the entrance. I've been crying all week.. I don't want to watch my love walk away from me.. We walked in and there they were. Travis stared into my eyes with tears in his. I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. "I'm sorry sal.." I hugged him tight and didn't want to let go. I felt his hands reach for my bottom strap and he undid it. He lifted my mask a little and kissed me. It didn't feel the same.. I started to cry and I grabbed onto him again. He buckled my prosthetic back on and I put my face on the crook of his neck. "Dear.. We have to get going.." His mother looked sad too. Larry grabbed my shoulder. "No!.." Larry gently pulled me off of Travis. I hated this. I hated him! Why.. He looked at us and put his head down. Then they walked away into the crowd.. Larry looked at me and tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "I just want to go.. Home.." He sighed behind me and walked with me.

The rest of the day I sat in my room and didn't leave it. It was around 1 in the morning and it started to rain. I grabbed my mask and left my room. I walked out of the apartment and walked into the elevator. I clicked the one and waited for the doors to slowly open. Nothing seemed as bright and happy anymore. I walked out of the apartments and walked back to the back of the apartments. I sat down against the wall and just sat there as the rain poured on me. The rain slowly soaked me and u could care less. I ended up falling asleep in the rain..


I woke up around noon and I walked outside to smoke. I was about to go inside because it was a bit cold out but then I saw sal. What the fuck is he doing out here?! "SAL!" He didn't wake up. Shit. Not good. "I quickly grabbed him and checked for a pulse. He luckily had one. I quickly brought him inside and layed him on my bed. I took his mask off and clothes. I grabbed one of my shirts and out it on him. I put my blankets on him covering his whole body. Not his face though. I quickly rushed to get more blankets. Of course, we didn't have more. " MOTHER!!" She slowly walked out of her room. "Yes dear?" I was panicking at this point. "Sal! He.. He fell asleep in the rain! I don't know when, but he was out there when I walked out there." Her eyes widened. "Go ask your friends for extra blankets. I'll find something for him." I nodded and ran to the elevator.

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