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"TRAVIS PHELPS!! YOU CALLED YOUR TEACHER A COCKSUCKER?!" Mrs. Phelps swat Travis on the back of the head. "Sorry mother!" He giggled at her. She sighed. "It's alright love." She hugged him. Larry gave me lovey dovey eyes. "LARRY YOU COCKSUCKER-" We heard Travis burst out laughing in the office. "For a matter of fact, Sally face, I'm a pussysucker." He grinned at me like an idiot. "LARRY-" Lisa walked in. "H-Hey mom!" She hit him on the head. "I heard what you said you idiot!" She smacked him on the top of the head. I laughed. She hit me on the top of the head too. "LISA YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE!" She chuckled. Travis and his mother exited the office as me and lar got up, ready for a scolding.


Me and mother went home as sal and lar got a scolding. "Mother, I love you." She smiled at me. "I love you too darling." We got in her car and drove home.

I was sitting on my bed when mother yelled. "Travis you have a visitor!" I got up and walked downstairs. "Hey sal!" I smiled at him. He waved. "Want to go to the lake?" I nodded. Why not? I waved goodbye to mother and we left. We walked to the lake in silence. Once we got there he sat down. His feet dangling over the water. I sat next to him. "Sal?" He looked over at me. "Yeah?" I took a deep breath. "What happened to your.. Face?" I hope I didn't sound rude. I was just.. Curious. "Oh.. Well uh.." He trailed off. "You don't have to tell me!" I put my arms up in defense. "Oh, no it's okay! It's just something I don't talk about a lot.." I nodded. "I'll be patient with you." I could tell he smiled because of his eyes. Then he started to explain what happened.

Mommy! There's a cute puppy over there! Can I go pet it? Please! "Can you wait for your father to get back, dear?" Please mommy? I just want to pet it! I won't be long! "Fine dear. Let me get my purse." Yay! "I'll meet you by the trees." Okay mommy! I ran over to the trees waiting for mother. But then someone came up behind me.. I screamed in terror. They hit me directly in the face with a bat. Mother came running. "GET OFF OF MY SON!" She yelled at the mysterious person. She pushed them away from me and grabbed me. She tried to run but they hit the back of her head. Hard. She went down, falling. My face was bleeding a lot. The person ran as father came running. "OH MY GOD, HONEY!!" He grabbed mother dialing 911. He looked at me and tears were falling down his face...

Tears were falling down Sal's face. I hugged him. "I'm sorry for asking.." He hugged me back. "It's okay. You wanted to know." He smiled. "Can I..."

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