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 Luz's POV:

 "So your telling me, that you went to Amity's birthday party undercover and did shit god knows what, and you brought home cake...that doesn't explain why she's here"

"Uh, you see hunter,.....she works with me, I, well...I work with her...we work together" his expression changed to concerned and confused and ...angry? "On what!? What do you work with? Huh? You better not be putting my little sister in danger! If you do I will not hesitate to beat your ass"

"Watch it little man, I promise you I will never put Luz in danger, and even if your tired you wouldn't even be able to harm me, hah! Beat my ass, that's funny"

"You think this is a joke?! You take my sister god knows where and do shit that might be super dangerous and can end her life! And who knows anything about yOu! You could be a fucking killer who kills people for god knows what and then do crazy serial killer shit!"

"...mMm yeah, pretty much"


 "Hunter! Calm down!"

 "No! I am not calming down! You could be dealing and making friends with a psycho, no, you aRe! How did you even meet this person!? What do you know about her!? You don't even know if she's the actual person she says she is!"

 "Hey, kid, why didn't you take a brea-"

 "No! Don't touch me! ..Don't!.Touch.Me! Don't tell me what to do!, don't even look at me! You-..you put my sister in danger working with stuff that could lead to her death and your acting cool with it, WELL IM NOT COOL WITH IT! IM NOT COOL ABOUT FINDING OUT ABOUT MY SISTER GOING OUT AND DOING WORK THAT COULD TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! IM NOT COOL WITH IT!!"

 He spits his words out with venom, it's hurting and heartbreaking hearing him like this, seeing him so hurt and mad, so scared and ...betrayed?

 "And You! How could you not tell me about this!! I'm your brother! You should tell me about this kind of stuff and not sneak out doing crazy shit that you think is ok! Have you even thought or considered telling me? I've been here the whole time worried if you were alright, if anything happened to you, I was just about to call mom and the police! Just because you can do crazy shit doesn't mean you can do it forever! Do you know how hurt I am about not even being considered to be told you were heading out? Not even telling me you have a jOb! What even is this job!? Who do you even work fo!?-"

 "I work for Dad! Alright!?....I work for dad"

 Hunter took a step back staring in my eyes, i was frustrated and sad, I felt like I was about to cry feeling the pain he was in, I feel so bad


 "And.....and Lucia.....she's our sister"

 "Hu- heh.....whAt!?....wWhAt!?...."

 He started walking backwards and out the door, he slammed the door shut and I heard him go down stairs "hunter! Wait!..hunter!! Please! Please wait!" I chased after him trying to stop him but he was already heading out the door

  "No! No! I won't wait! You had enough chances to fill me in about this whole double life but no, you don't get the right to ask for forgiveness and for me to hold up and act like this can be resolved in sunshine's and rainbows, no!"

 "You don't get to ask and plead for forgiveness and act like the victim and make me feel like the bad guy, uh uh, no, you don't get to make me feel bad for this, you! Your the bad guy, I'm the real victim here, you cant expect me to turn around and be all nice and forgiving like back then, those things were small, this!? This shit is a mess!"

 "You don't deserve the right to act like your prior to me just becuase you can do magical shit and that I'm to below you to not be informed about my little sisters safety, cause I love you luz! I love you! And I wouldn't want anything more than to know that your safe, I would give up anything for you and what? You go out and put your life at risk and leave me home worried sick!? Haha! How fucked up are you!?"

 "You've fucked up luz! Really bad, I'm not going to wait for you! Did you wait for me and tell me what you've been doing to include me in your life? No! Heh! ..ha! And to find out that..that- that, That monster!...is my sister!? Hahaha no! No no! I'm not doing this, you can go and play around and do whatever the fuck you want cause I don't give a fuck anymore, not for you anymore anyways....so no....I'm not waiting up" 

 And with that, he walked out with his jacket and slammed the door, ...I-....I was just...frozen..in place, I couldn't move I couldn't breathe, I was trying to process everything he said replaying it over and over to make sure I heard it right, I fell to the ground but that felt like every bone in my body broke and shattered puncturing my lungs, restricting me to breathe

 "Luz? You alright?-"

 Lucia ran down the stairs and to me before I fell crying, actually sobbing hurt crying cause......

... hunters right...I am fucked up....


Amity's POV:

  As guests started to leave, it started to rain, by the time everyone left, it was pouring, I helped people to their cars even tho I was told not to, Ed and Em did too but I was that last in the shower cause they called to go before me, of course, anyways, today was fun

 That mystery person from tonight....was quite the charmer....they were elegant in dancing, said such...smooth sweet things...oh wait, damn it, am I crushing on this person? Great, but I like Luz...a lot....can I crush on two people?

 I'm finishing drying my hair and and changed into a big BGC t shirt and shorts, BGC is one of my favorite bands, Bad Girl Coven, they're great

 Mother is in her room, said she was too stressed to deal with others right now and is going to bed, the maids threw me out the dining room cause I wouldn't stop helping them, they always fuss over me helping them  I really seriously don't mind, I like helping, and I'm a blight, if what they say is true and my mother gets mad, I'll handle it

 It's like...11:14 and Ed and Em are playing two player on Halo, I m just scrolling through Instagram looking at stuff, some stuff was from tonight, it had alot of comments and stuff, like q5 minutes later there was a knock on the door, I just got a notification but I'll look at it later

 I was headed to the door when I saw a maid heading to the door as well, I told her I'll get it and sent her off to take a break, when I got there I opened the door and was surprised to see a soaking wet hunter

 Hey hey hey!! Hop you liked this one...it's a bit depressing and I put in a lot of emotional tear and heart ache into fitting hunters reaction, so, yeah, comment please, I need comments, anything, just something, anyways, 

  I just want to announce how secondly obsessed I am over 'Arcane: League of Legends' on Netflix and how I almost had a stroke when I heard the next season wouldn't be put till next year till 2024, but like....usuheybwb Gae! K, love y'all bieee!

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