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Why won't mami tell me about dad? She said he left when i was little, I wouldn't remember him I was so young, she said that he came and visited from time to time but when I turned 5 he stopped, said he was too busy

She said we would have father, son and daughter days and weekends, sometime it would only be me and him and him and hunter, but it mostly was us three, take us to the park, to special events, places, to baseball games, to get ice cream

But I don't remember being with him, I do remember being with a man, a gentle friendly man, he took me to a strange place but I don't remember the rest, all I know is, is that the place we went to was strange

but....that was it,she didn't tell me anything else, no name, no last name, no bio, no information, nothing, nada, zip, zap, zilch, she wont say or talk about him, i want to know more

Everytime I think of him, or well try to remember him, I remember something vague, like half of my family is gone, like I'm supposed to have someone else in my life but is not there, they were taken away from me

Then there's this....secret box? She hides? It's really creepy, well not creepy but like,...when you get that feeling, like she's hiding something big from me

She said I had half his looks, his eyes, my eyes are a chocolate brown, dark brown but in the light it looks almost golden, somehow?...

Surprisingly, she says i have his humor, his 'charm' I guess, don't really see it but she said that I have it even if I don't realize it, I have his height, when she first met him he was tall, i am sorta tall, Im taller then I used to be but I'm only 15, I'm turning 16 soon

My birthday is close, February 23 and right now it's February.......16th but for some reason, i feel like this birthday is going to be different than the others

Luz's POV:

"Ok! Buenos noches mami!" Ahhhh! I can't wait to go to bed, I'm so tired *yawn* Ahh, the nice feeling of cold sheets, ......... aaaand I can't go to sleep, ugh i hate night like these, hmph............humph.............ugh!!

How comes I'm really tired but I can't go to sleep? I dont get it.... Uh.........Hehe, ok so I'm currently lying on my side facing my wall.... My desk is close by my bed, and my desk chair....is facing me, eeghhhh, why do i have this strange feeling?

I feel like somethings...in here, in my room, luckily i have my curtains closed, that doesn't help the fact I'm scared to roll over, ok, I'm 15, I'm not a little girl anymore, i can do this, this may be a new house....in a new neighborhood, that i know nothing about, and its dark.....and raining....

.....aahhwwww I can't do this..wait! No, i can, I'm just being a big baby, ok, on the count of three ill roll over with my eyes....open?

Ok, one....two......threeeee....huh? Ha, nothings there, i wasnt scared at all, hahahehehe....heeeeeeee, ok, at least i know nothings there, phew!

When I try to go to sleep I close my eyes and roll back over, "Ahhhhh!!!!" Gasp! Ay dios Mio! Huff what in the world? Who!? Huh?!

I closed my eyes, and you would of thought all you would see is black, pitch darkness......But no!! What I saw was a Face!! I freakin face, a human face!........it...it was.......scary?

It, it wasn't really scary, it startled me but..it didn't really scare me, honestly, the face wasn't scary at all, it was...oh I don't know, um.....nice? I guess, it was a face of a man, I don't know who it was but it was sorta ok

I finally calmed down and closed my eyes again, luckily I didn't see the face but I have to be honest, I was sorta disappointed, I wanted to see it to see what it looked like, to study their features, it seemed familiar, like I saw them somewhere or something

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