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Amity's POV:

"Step more to the left amity, your short stepping" ughghhhhggggg!!! I'm trying! I've been doing this for 2 hours, I might be able to do it right if you let me take a break but no, you have to be the freakin- ugh!!

 "Amity! Step more, your short stepping again, no nice young gentle man would want a careless little bad dancer girl like you if you don't do as I say".... I- sbhhdnh! I just need a break then I can do it right!

 "Ugh!, you know what? Edric, go and take a break, not you amity" Ed had a worried tired look on his face, instead of making me dance solo and practice, she came over and grabbed my hands in position and made me dance with her, she was a bit rough with it and forced me and jerked me everywhere, left, right, back forward, around, twirling and had a tight grip on me

"That! Is how it's done, now dance how it showed you, Do nOt, mess up"

You know what, fine

I was fetup, I annoyed and frustrated

When she started the music I just started moving, remembering where she yanked my body

When I was done I was panting a bit bowed

"There! That! Is how you do it, but you fumbled a bit, oh well, go and change, freshen up, don't forget the steps" I sighed letting my body loosen up a bit "yes mother" I slowly walked out of the dance room closing the door

 I went up to my room passing by Em who was a bit confused and went to my room, laying on my bed in felt my body tingle, this hurt but felt nice at the same time, I changed out of my practice clothes and took a shower, feeling the nice steamy water hut my skin felt nice, getting out and feeling the cold made my body feel a bit better but I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow

 "Amity! Time for dinner!" I got dressed quickly drying my hair with the towel and leaving with out blow drying it, I went down stair and saw the table ready, I sighed and walked over


Finally! I can't go to bed, man my feet hurt, phew, I just hope I can actually go to sleep tonight,...I wonder if Luz is going to be at school?

I mean, she should, right? She skipped today and left early yesterday so she should be at school tomorrow, I wonder why she left early, wonder what happened

Maybe I can test willow, she might know, or maybe Boscha

Me: Hey Willow, um just wondering, have you talked to Luz lately?

Willow: uh, nope, haven't seen her since yesterday in 1st pd, haven't talked since, why?

Me: I was just wondering why she ditched early yesterday

Willow: she ditched?! I thought she got picked up early

Me: uh no, I watched as she left, she seemed off

Willow: huh, k, maybe she'll be at school, I gotta go to bed, see you tomorrow

Me: ok, night willow, thanks

Willow: Np, night


Well, that was a bust, didn't get anything from that, well Boscha it is,I should've asked her at practice but of course I forgot, hopefully she's awake, or not texting whoever her crush is, she's been all gooey about her crush and hanging with them a while, wonder who it is, ugh this is what happens, I get distracted then I forget

 Me: hey Bosch, you up?

 Boscha: uh, yeah, what u want? Shouldn't you be asleep?

Me: no, it's like, 9:45, it's early

  Wait, if it's this early, why is willow going to bed this early, she doesn't go to bed this early....hmmm, wonder why

Boscha: k, again, what u want?

Me: just wondering if you've talked or seen Luz lately

 Boscha: no, I haven't seen or talked to your crush, I don't have her number anyways, last time I talked to her was 3rd yesterday, she wasn't here today, just text her

Me: I have, she hasn't responded, she ditched yesterday and seemed off, real gloomy or something, like tired maybe, idk

Me: Bosch? U there?

 Me: hey, stop flirting with your little crush and help me out here, gotta know if Luz is alright

Boscha: hold on hold on! number one, she saw that! Thanks for making fun of me, and two, wow, she ditched? Didn't know little precious goodie two shoes has a rebel side, tho I don't really know much about her...anyways and 3, I was talking to Skara seeing if she knew anything, your welcome, she sent this video, haven't watched it

 She sent a vid of a blur, when I tapped on it, it was moving a lot but then settled down and cleared, there were alot if kids in the 400 hallway and there was like 4 or 5 girls standing in a line, 2 girls were face to face, the sound was quiet but I rose it, I hallways hoping wit wasn't who I thought it was but....I was wrong

It was Jesse Knight and Luz, Jesse is like what Boscha used to be, mean, highly respected by some people, and a bully, like 'Queen Bee' but more like a ruler or something

They started talking, Luz smirked, I couldn't help but blush a bit, I have say besides being really goofy and cute, she can be real hot at times

Ooh! A right jab to Luz's nose, oof, she said something but I couldn't hear, it was like static and people mumbling, the camera was like behind three layers of people so it didn't really get up close but I was at a good enough angle where I could see everything that went on

Boscha: hey Amity, you alright?

Boscha: hey, hello? Don't ignore me, wait, don't do anything stupid, I know how you are

Boscha: hey! Answer me! Hellooooooo!!!!! Damn it Amity, answer

Boscha: don't do what I think your doing, its- well it is but it isn't worth it at the same time, look we'll talk to Luz tomorrow, alright? Then, maybe, we can give princess bitch a visit, ok? Just answer

Me: alright

Boscha: thank you, promise?

Me: fine

I honestly couldn't think, I wanted to beat that bitch to a pulp the throw her in a fucking fire, how the hell could she do this to my Luz!? Like how the actual Hell!?!?? And no one!? No one tried and help!?

I mean I get it, people are scared of her but come one, there have to be people there who aren't pussy's, I mean come on, But I have to say, that trick luz did was pretty cool, everything luz does is cool.....,ndsjbduhs anyways, I'm glad that luz didn't get in trouble....cause thatll leave some fucking Jesse knight for me, I swear, someone's going to hell for this, I promise you that

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