changing history

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Ok so while i was on tiktok i've seen these stupid vids saying jesus is transgender so let me get this straight god in my religion i ain't forcing my religion on people but Chnging history a nd saying its facts is just disrespectful to people who believe in the bible.

like god created Genders and would follow the rules of a man and woman,heck god said he wanted a son and yet the lgbt community wants to change the bible which Disrespect,that your contradicting history.

heck changing historical figures for your own lgbt stuff shows nothing but disrespect and i ain't attacking anyone just saying the facts on how you arent supposed to change history just to benefit yourself through changing anything involving religion or Historical figures.

cause by changing something like bibles your acting like its a fact when you just contradicted something

like if you want something lgbt then find some historical people in the lgbt community don't just change something apart of religion and be stupid an say oh Jesus is trans blah blah blah nobody should be doing that.

plus jesus christ does not follow human genetics he's god in a mortal form in a sense and yet people are saying on those dumb TikTok's he's trans that makes no sense when ya realize trans people or the ability to change genders through the stuff we have today didn't exist during those times it makes no sense and sounds stupid.

and all I'm saying is their are things that shouldn't be changed when it was part of history.

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