Villain deku

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hello everyone so you might wonder why i dislike villain deku.

he's predictable and,crap.

like seriously who wants to see Deku be a villain.

like all it is is just deku,becoming a villain blah blah blah bullshit and him gaining a win.

like what's so appealing about villain deku gaining the win when bakugou could easily Overcome any weakness he has and gain the win.

oh i know it's because people are fucking hypocrites and hate on bakugou when forgetting he's a hero not a villain.

hell he's shown in the anime he'll never become a villain.

infact villain deku should have his ass get kicked after fighting a stronger bakugou.

now don't get me wrong i love villain stories and,think it's cool to see them win.

but villain deku just feels predictable and inaccurate for him.

infact survivor villain deku makes sense like deku is just trying to survive and,not die.

while villain deku sucks.

the worst part about villain deku is how he's sometimes shipped with bakugou.

the one guy who made him a villain in the first place.

like you're obviously a dumbass into thinking villain deku would date the person he hates.

cause that shows your dumb and,don't think how to make it work.

like if ya want bakudeku oh i don't know stop with bullshit and,have someone else be the reason for deku being the villain.

i fucking swear villain deku is more retarded then any fandom trope.

so is there anything else i dislike about it hmmm i don't know maybe be an inaccurate fan if anything.

but yeah that's all and goodbye.

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