Belfast: "Is that... What a true Mercenary is like?" She looks at the door that Y/N left through, a shocked and interested look on her face as she thinks about the type of person Y/N seems to be... A Noble Knight who has sacrificed his entire being for the sake of others. Is that what a Mercenary is like?

Timeskip 1 Hour

Y/N walked through the building for a bit before York called him on his phone, telling him to meet them at a hotel, she gave him the address and he started to walk through the city, some people looking at him strangely since he hasn't taken off his G-Suit yet but it doesn't bother him

But he's having a lot of fun looking through the city at night, the street lamps lighting up the sidewalks and decorations of Valentines adorning the walls

Y/N: "Just one week away, would Robin like chocolate?" He thinks as he imagines a Valentines with Robin, they've never celebrated Valentines before so this would be a first, he blushes and hides his face in his hands, lost in his embarrassment. That is until a hand taps his shoulder, turning around, it's Monarch "Ah, Miss Monarch, may i help you?" He bows as he sees her

Monarch: "Raise your head, i merely wish to speak" Y/N nods and stands straight, looking at her "Come, lets walk together" She starts to walk ahead of him as he follows, wondering just what she wants, but i mean. It's not like he can defy her, she's eight inches taller than he is and

She's a Battleship

You wouldn't wanna make her mad, she's done some shit to people that've made her mad

He tilts his head slightly as she looks over to him, wondering what exactly he wants, but after a bit, she realizes and speaks with a small smile on her face

Monarch: "Well i simply want to understand the type of person you are. Putting such a display in the meeting room tends to spark some interest" A tint of red could be seen on her face, but it's a bit chilly so that's understandable, right? "May i ask, where did you learn to speak so Knightly? You do not strike me as the type of person to speak that way, as a Mercenary and such" He looks forward and starts to think about it

Y/N: "Hm.. When i was back in my world, and when i was new to the group, we went on a mission with the Kindom of Saiwaki, after we were done, we met with the Queen, and i was the only one to practice the Old World way of speaking to Royalty in our group" He scratches his cheek with a bit of blush on his face as he gives a slight embarrassed smile "S-So i was to one to purely speak to Royalty or Nobility"

Monarch: "Well, it seems to have payed off. I may just have to take you on a date for how well you treated us Shipgirls" Y/N blushes like hell when she says that and looks off to the side

Y/N: "Y-You don't have to, it'd ruin your Image, you're too Noble" He says as he continues to look off to the side, not seeing that Monarch has a surprised look on her face, and a small blush before she smiles a bit. Looking forward as well

A bit of silence goes by until she speaks up again, the tone in her voice soft, a bit sad but also happy

Monarch: "May i tell you something, Sparda?" He looks over to her and nods, her smiling in return "Not many believe in me. Since i was a rejected design, my sisters are the ones that garner the most fame and love"

She stops a bit, thinking about her past, but Y/N is still intently listening, which she's thankfull for

Monarch: "Most people see me simply as a back up, to use when my sisters are busy, so my 'Image' is not that great" She looks over to Y/N again, him looking up at her, a bit of a blush on his face as he takes in her admittedly gorgeous face "Yet you, Sparda. Even if you may not know me. You still called me 'Noble', it may not mean much to you. But to me, it means more than the finest jewels in the word, so thank you for that. My Knight" He blushes yet again, looking away as Monarch slightly giggles, continuing to talk

The Crowned Mercenary [Project Wingman Reader x Azur Lane]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя