Episode 31: Trial By Fist A Cuffs

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Where we last left off. Bismarck and Brunhilde were caught in Richelieu's special Technique! Now facing the trial for their sins. With the Judge in front of them. As well as the Executionor...

Richelieu: "Now... Its time for God's Trial.." Richelieu raised her fists with a confident smile. The realization setting into the two as to why she was the Hand of God

Bismarck: "You obviously won't listen to reason.. It always must come to this..." Bismarck raised her mace as Brunhilde raised her Scythe, the menacing glint from the sunlight hitting their weapons reflecting on the water's surface as well "We will make you submit.."

Brunhilde: "That's what this chain is about right?.. None of us can escape each other until one of us is knocked right the hell out.." She took a deep breath as she glared at Richelieu

Richelieu: "That's exactly right.. Now... Come at me!!" Richelieu stomped her foot, sending a massive splash of water as she then burst right through it. Sending a three piece combo at Brunhilde, a gut punch, a right hook and then an elbow, although all three were blocked by Brunhilde's swift reaction, counter attacking with a spinning upward's strike that Richelieu sidestepped and then back flipped to avoid a downwards slam from Bismarck

Bismarck: "Tch.." Bismarck grunted as she then swung her mace to the side to try and catch her off guard however it was met with Richie simply jumped over it, roundhouse kicking her in the face and then ducking under a diagonal slash from Brunhilde, punching away a few crystals in the process "It doesn't have to be like this! we wouldn't need to fight!" Bismarck regained her balance from the kick and joined in on the absolute jumping these two were trying to dish out, switching tempos with Brunhilde as Richelieu blocked and dodged everything that they could possibly throw at her

Richelieu: "Can't you see that the siren technology is going to corrupt you! It's not something we should mess around with! We were created to combat it! What you're doing is more than wrong!!" She weaved under a few swings from Bismarck's mace, ducking to the side and throwing an uppercut before just barely blocking a swing from Brunhilde's scythe, sending her flying into the wall of the canal with a massive crash, concrete falling into the water below

Brunhilde: "Just get it through your thick skull that we're trying to help humanity! Siren technology's going to be what helps us win! What helps us evolve to save this world!" She spun her scythe around before slashing at her legs, missing as the woman back flipped again, but this time she landed right on her shoulders, wrapping her legs around her head and continuing her momentum, she throws her into the wall with her legs with immense force while she regined her focus on Bismarck

Richelieu: "And just working together would work! You know who caused this in the first place! You know using their technology is going to lead you to an early grave!" She ran up to Bismarck and winded up a punch, meeting Bismarck's swing with a massive clang, starting to release an onslaught of punches that got met with Bismarck's powerful swings, each punch and strike sending a ripple in the water from the sheer force, Bismark winding up a hit and getting through Richie's guard, slamming her in the stomach with the mace, sending her skidding back on the water a little but Richie soon gained her footing as she spat out some blood, blocking a side hit with her arm, getting sent flying once more as she rolled on the floor, but she dug her fingers in the water and stood once more, just in time to duck under a sneak attack from Brunhilde

Brunhilde: "Without strength in the moment! There's no future for us! Sacrifices need to be made! Richelieu!!" She yelled as a rain of Crimson crystals shot down towards Richie who took a deep breath, winding her punch up and then shootng towards the sky, a brght golden aura immediately shattering the crystals, her standing there for a bit as she took some deep breaths

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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