Episode 4: Charge Assault

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With a new Employer. Y/N and Robin'll have to deal with living on this rather strange island with equally strange women. Though today seems like it'll be calm. Or will it...?


4:20 PM

Azur Lane Forward Base: Shopping District


It's been about a day since me and Robin got dropped off in this strange new world, and so far it ain't going too great, seeing as we both got blackmailed into fighting for a military called Azur Lane. But it hasn't been all bad, despite us being blackmailed, they said we'll still get paid and i even got myself a little cabin. So that's some upsides to this whole mess

But as of right now, i've decided to visit the local gym that i've heard about, it's in the more busy area of the island, meaning it's crowded with Shipgirls as it is the afternoon, though i just woke up. Must've slept in a lot

But seeing as i'm the only guy on the entire island, i do get a few- no, more like a Shit Ton of stares from the Shipgirls, which is weird seeing as they probably have the strength to rip me apart with their bare hands. Nonetheless, i still keep my distance from them since i don't want to make them uncomfortable

After a bit of walking i make it to the gym, and surprise. It's massive, with a lot of Shipgirls already inside, working out. I step inside and look around, there doesn't seem to be a counter to sign up so i guess it's just free to use. Walking in further, all of them seem to be lifting upwards of seven hundred pounds easily, definitely a bit more than intimidating

I like to think i'm pretty strong since i can bench two hundred and fifty pretty easily, but they're on another level. In any case, i came all the way here so i might as well jsut suck it up and start working out. I take out an old mp3 player that i've had for the entire time i've been in Sicario and play some tunes

I start with the treadmill, a walk at first but soon going into a fairly fast jog for forty five minutes, i still get a little bit conscious because i notice almost everyone staring at me, but i still try my best to ignore them for the time being, i move onto my ab workouts and do one hundred sit ups before finally moving onto the last bit of my workout. I head over to the weights and see some women already benching but there's one free one all the way at the end of the line up. Perfect

I head over to it and put three hundred pounds on it. A bit risky since no one's here to spot me but i'll manage. I lay down and pick a new track on my mp3 player, not paying attention to anything around me, until i get spooked by someone tapping my forehead

Y/N: "Ah!" I look up and see a woman with blonde hair and green eyes, she has a black tank top on and some jean shorts, she smirks as i notice her. She looks down at me as she leans on the handle for the weight

 She looks down at me as she leans on the handle for the weight

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[No jacket, and no cap. I don't own shit]

Woman: "Sup'" I give her a nod as i continue to stare at her, her chuckling after a few seconds of silence "Don't talk much do ya?" I shake my head and take out my earbuds, still lying down "Since you're the only guy here. Guessin' you're the one that my sister hired?" I nod. Her examining me up and down "Huh, pretty buff for a pilot, how much can you lift" She says taps the weight. I take a bit to respond but eventually i do

The Crowned Mercenary [Project Wingman Reader x Azur Lane]Where stories live. Discover now