Episode 6: I Feel Shitty

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Hm, It certainly was a bad day for Y/N last episode wasn't it? I wonder what made Robin so god damn mad? Either way, now that it's been exactly one week, something is going to happen today. And It's Going To Be Something Important!....


12:32 PM

Robin's Dorm

Robin POV

Javelin: "Robin... You feel off" I'm currently hanging out in my room with my one of my best girl friends here

Meet HMS Javelin, she's about three years younger than me. And honestly, it feels great to have a girl around my age. Mick was thirty two, so she felt more like my bigger sister than anything. But man i never new it felt this good to be the big sis for once

Right now, we're both playing video games on a tv that i bought, nothing expesive. Surprisingly, gaming consoles and tv's are a lot more cheap than i thought. Hey, good for me though, either way. I look over to her as she keeps talking

Javelin: "You would usually have intracate combos ready to obliterate me. But so far you have just been button mashing" She pauses the game and turns to me "You know we are friends, so you can tell me your problems!" 

Actually. Now that i think about it.... I feel shitty, i don't know the reason why, but i just wanna curl up into a ball and melt into water. But why? It all started a few days ago, we went on a mission with some Shipgirls and me and Y/N were getting ready

But he was super quiet. Well more quiet, he didn't smile, silently giggle or hell, he didn't even look at me for the entire mission. He'd just give me orders without any emotion. God damn this sucks!

Me: "Well the thing is Y/N"

Javelin: "Oh! Your partner? What is the issue?" She smiles as i take a deep breath

Me: "Well it's just that he's been ignoring me. No matter how many times i make a joke or poke at him, he just stays quiet. He looked alright a week ago when we were hanging out but then he started to get all blushy when that, Columbia, Hornet and Helena were talking with him so i got all pissed and cut off our hangout short. And ever since then he just treats me like i'm just a backseater! It sucks!" After i finish, i look at Javelin, who has a deadpan expression as she tries to say something but she just closes her mouth a second later

This continues for a minute or two until she finally speaks

Javelin: "I-I think you might have the wrong idea of what is going on" She finally says as i get a little bit confused. But luckily she elaborates further "You said you got mad at him, correct?" 

Me: "Well yeah, i mean he was so flustered at those other chicks. How could i not be mad?"

Javelin: "Are you in a relationship with him?" She raises an eyebrow, it looks like she knows something she's not telling me but nonetheless i answer her question

Me: "No" Wait.... Why was i so mad in the first place? Like i just said, we're not even in a relationship together. Great now i'm feeling worse!

Javelin: "So you got mad at him and cut off a hangout that you two have not done for three months and you are wondering why he does not feel happy?" She gives me a long look, her eyes definitely telling me to think about what i just said





Me: "Ah!!! SHIT!! How did i fuck up this bad?!?!" I grab my head and fall back onto the carpeted floor, Javelin only sighing and standing up, looking down at my dumbass self, as i just mope and now i really want to melt into mush

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