Chapter 4 ☬

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The Carrington Twins

You followed us to the fair!
Why? Get back to school!

HAVING SLIPPED PAST TWO ADULTS without getting caught, which was indeed, by no means a small feat, we both instantly became friends.

"You could have given a little warning about that, you tiny trickster." I told Rupert when we reached a corner inside the fair. He didn't seem to mind me calling him tiny when I was way tinier than him. Instead, he laughed.

"Meh! Warning? Where's the fun in that?"

We continued laughing like twin, impish fishes under the sea of hats, parkas, coats and jackets swimming around us, contemplating which way to go next.

"Let's go play the high striker," Rupert pointed at a group of people striking a puck attached to a tower with a mallet. Whenever they strike, the puck will go up the tower, almost touch the bill suspended at the top then fall down together with their high hopes.

I eyed the game with disapproval. It was a game of strength. I was no strongman. I shook my head. "No, I don't think so."

"Why not?" asked Rupert.

My ears turned pink and I shifted like a cow harassed by a swarm of pesky tsetse flies. I took a deep breath then said, "I'm lean and... You can go play if you want."

"Ouch... My bad." Rupert slapped his face with a meaty palm. "I'm not playing if you're not. What do you suggest then?"

"Err, I don't know," I answered. My eyes swept across the fairground.

It was filled with people: Many adults and lesser children - most of whom were not of school age yet. The number of teenagers was only a handful thanks to the addition of me and Rupert. The women were moving from stands to shops, searching for the perfect goods to buy for dinner.

Few men lazed about drinking and chattering away their souls. Some were fatherly enough to bring their kids to the fairground while the remaining others were either sellers, fair-homers or workers.

We both continued looking around until we couldn't quite make a choice on what to try out first. Then as sharp as a dagger, it pierced my mind that we were the only ones in school uniforms.

Or perhaps not.

Two auburn-haired teenagers in the same uniform were coming directly at us!

The male has a friendly look while the female had not. The Clingy Carrington twins, known for doing everything together and never leaving each other's sides, no matter what.

They walked together as one in automaton-like harmony, their wooden soles click-clacking on the paved floor like the shoes of a toy cowboy named Woody.

The auburn-haired boy's face split into a wide grin as he closed in the distance between us. The girl's face remained grim if not somewhat annoyed.

Disturbed. I concluded after a final stare that lasted for a nanosecond. I vowed not to look at her again.

"Whoa! I can't believe we escaped from Zip Tie's dungeon!" the auburn-haired boy said, still grinning.

I faced the boy, avoiding eye contact with the awkward girl with great intensity. "You guys escaped that easily too? I used to think Bigelow was smart. You know, sharp as a tack."

The auburn-haired boy snorted. "More of the dullest knife in the drawer. That crazy old man actually left the door open and went chasing after you two," the auburn-haired boy pointed at me, then Rupert.

Rupert gave a small, nonchalant shrug, like, No big deal, we do that everyday.

"What's your name again? Loki or something?" I asked him. I couldn't believe I can't remember his first name. I've always know the twins by their last name.

"Luke," the auburn-haired boy said. "Luke Carrington. And meet my sour sister, Lucy Carrington."

Lucy rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.

"Obviously you guys are twins." I pointed to her, then to him as if I was just discovering they were identical.

There was an outburst between me and Luke. Then an awkward silence ensued. Then we burst into fits of laughter again.

Rupert looked at us like, Seriously, guys?

Lucy's face remained impassive like the marble statue of Mortya Charioteer in ancient Greece.

I was starting to like the boy, Luke. We did a fist bump, followed by a fist pump in celebration of our instant friendship. We laughed at this again. Luke crossed the distance between us and joined me on the other side.

Only sour Lucy was left to herself with her arms folded across her chest. "Luke, get away from them and let's get back to school. You know how Bigelow can be."

"No, Lucy," Luke said in a firmer tone, his grin contorting into a scowl. "I'm tired of following rules. I want to be followed."

I stifled a giggle at his well-developed sense of humor. Of course, Luke is warm and obdurate but the sister's sour and obedient. That's a mixture of contrasting personalities.

"Chill, Lucy, it's just for today," Rupert tried to pacify.

Lucy shot Rupert an icy glare, dismissed him as though he were were their housemaid, turned to her brother, grabbed his arm and pulled.

A smirk played on Luke's face as he kept his struggling sister at bay without breaking a sweat. Lucy groaned, pulling harder. Then her sweaty palms slipped making her fall hard on her butt.

The three of us bursted hard like overfilled balloons.

Standing up, fallen Lucy dusted herself, stuck her nose in the air and stomped away in the opposite direction as fast as her legs could carry her without looking like she was stomping.

On Luke's face was another unpleasant scowl which formed deep lines between his brows. A frown that was saying Lucy should come back but he was too defiant to say it out.

For the first time, the Carrington twins were going their separate ways. For the first time, Luke doesn't seem to really care.

Or does he?

He gave his sister one last reproachful look before she disappeared into the bustling crowd.

"So what's next?" Luke asked when he was sure he couldn't see his sister's ponytail bouncing in the crowd. His tone almost sounded indifferent.

"We dunno," I answered for us.

"Should we try out the bumper cars?" Luke suggested.

"Greatest idea." Rupert pumped his catcher's mitt of a hand into the air in feigned victory, a little too excitedly as if he's always been waiting for this separation all his life.

I glared. Rupert's fist dove downward in shameful defeat. He apologized. Luke shrugged then we turned to discover how the rest of our day was going to unfold.


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