Abandoned Empress enters the team!

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If Ruve and Allen isn't a dick and a yandere.

Sorry, but Carsein is best boy for tia. :)

So let's just make ruve and allen end up together!lol.

Abandoned empress team enters the group.

Carsein :

So where did you last put your phone?

Ruve :


Ruve :

If I know where do you think we'll be here trying to find it?

Carsein :

Well no but...

Carsein :

try to remember it?

Aristia(-_-) :

Allen why don't you try to help your boyfriend in finding his phone?

Ruve :

Eww b--

Allen :

I can give you a series of questions in order to somehow discover possible places where you left your phone.

Allen :

For an instance, did you really bring it in the school? Where did you place it? Bag, pocket or did you hold it in your hand? What time of the day did you lost it? Where are the places you've been base on the time you've possibly lost the phone?

Ruve :


Ruve :

Are you seri---

Allen(😊) :

But thankfully I already know where it is!

Ruve(trying to calm down) :


Allendis(showing a post on twitter)

Ijekiel Lucas @Kielchangeyourpasslol

Whoever lost an Iphone 13 earlier(8:38pm to be exact) with a blue case at the boy's bathroom on the freshman's building(3rd floor btw).

Please stop calling my new phone. :)

A pic of Lucas and ruve's phone.

Ruve :

What the fuck!?

To be continued....

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