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I have this plot in my head for a long time but I haven't written it yet cuz writing one chapter takes me a damn month.

Basically it goes like this, Ijekiel is the student council president and a nerd while Lucas is like a delinquent?? Yep, a pretty common plot.

They first met when someone stole Ijekiel's wallet and thinking it was Lucas, Ijekiel reported him to a police station, only to figure out it wasn't him. So Ijekiel tried to make it up to Lucas and coincidentally, athy told kiel that he's so unfamiliar to how life works since he's always so holed up in his studies.

Who is more familiar to reality than a school delinquent who almost lives in the street? Ijekiel thought which made him hang out with Lucas more.

They got closer and started opening up with each other. This is kinda like the good girl fixes the bad boy trope but with a twist*coughs* the bad boy ruins the good girl trope.

They had matching tattoos, piercings, shirts, went to the beach together. Ijekiel even helped Lucas reunite with his parents and Lucas helped Ijekiel realize that his life was his own to manage, not his father's.

Obviously, Ijekiel fell in love with Lucas, but he's too afraid to lose what they have, so he never admitted it. He stayed with Lucas as his friend, watched him meet athy, watched them get closer to each other and watched them fell in love.

And on the day of Lucathy's marriage, Lucas kinda get drunk and tells Ijekiel that he dated athy to forget him, because he knew that the other will never like him back and he was surprised that it actually worked.

So they loved each other but they were both too afraid to confess and because of the fear of losing what they have, they lost what they would had have.(ashshhshs I'm sorry is my grammar right?)

Lucas moves on with his family and had a child or two. While Ijekiel was left hanging into the precious memories of the past and feelings they had but never shared. Maybe he will also marry someone else, and occasionally they will meet coz they are still friends you know.

And then seeing each other happy with their own family, they will think.
"As long as you are happy, I won't regret that I didn't fight for us"


"I was your first love, but she is the last."

I'm sorry I'm a such hoe for angst

A/N : I had this ending in mind while listening to a song called 'paubaya' and the whole plot from 'the one that got away'

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