The murder of Cabel Ernst

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When you and your friends wanted to drink but it ended into a bloody fight.

Group chat(Obelia cool kidz)

Ijekiel :
We need to get our parent's permission first before we drink.

Lucas :
Or.....we can just you know not say to them.

Ijekiel :
Not tell them*.

Ijekiel :
Absolutely not.

Athanasia :
Lucas you bad kid!

Jennette :
I have to tell my daddy and uncle, they didn't raise a liar!!!!

Helena :
I don't know my parents.

Helena :
They left me in the care of bears, I was raised by them and thought how to live a life in the jungle where violence reigns and I was force to kill against my will.

Helena :
Still, I cannot deny the beauty of the forest.

Athanasia :

Athanasia :
I literally just saw you with your parents on the mall last night

Helena :

Helena :
A tearful reconciliation.

Lucas :
but I'm an orphan

Ijekiel :

Ijekiel :
Well, you can be orphan of the year?

Lucas :

Lucas :
I fucking love you.

I will die for you.

I will kill everyone for you.

Athanasia :
Pls dont

Cabel :
wow orphan of the year? cobgratulations! Your parents will be so proud of you!

Ijekiel :

Ijekiel :

Athanasia :

Jennette :

Helena :

Lucas :

Lucas :
I will end you.

Cabel :
Wait no!! I'am an orphansjsbsnj

Ijekiel :

Helena :
So about my parents....

Helena :
Can you like helped me? They were kidnapped by the mafia last night so....

Jennette :
What's mafia? Is that like bread? I absolutely love hopia!!

Ijekiel left the group.

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