Fuck this grammar is so awful. I cry every time

"Why thank you, Matty!" He laughed. "Sooo Maxy, how's your love life?" I just laughed. "Oh you know, the same as always." He rolled his eyes. "Maxy, one day you will meet the love of your life.." he started. "And that'll be the day Piglox's rule the world!" I said with a laugh.


Matt just laughed. "Aw come on, Maxy! You must like someone!" I blushed. "Well.. I like someone, but there is NO way it's gonna happen.." I said. "Let me guess: MunchingBrotato?"


I blushed "Maybe.." He just chuckled. "What about your love life, Matty??" He blushed. "Well, Gavin asked me if I wanted to hang out after work.." I started jumping up and down "OMG!! YOUR GOING ON A DATE WITH GAV-" then Matt covered my mouth "S-shut up! w-were just hanging out n-nothing else!" he stuttered.

Haha. Plot twist: You two get married, Matt. You never just 'hang out' with him again.

"Sure... whatever you say..." He rolled his eyes and said "Oh yeah! We have some new Minecraft stuff! It's over th-" Before he could finish I was running over to the Minecraft area. As I walked over there I saw a new shirt that had Sky, Deadlox, TrueMU and Bodil40. Ty was looking at a Piglox, that was saying 'Don't do dis', and Ty just yelled 'BODIL!' Bodil was laughing and Sky and Jason were like 'Dafuq...?'

*slams head against wall*

"I NEED THIS SHIRT!" I yelled, getting weird looks from people, but I didn't care! "I knew you would like that one!" I heard Matt say. "Yup!" I said popping the 'p'. As I looked around some more, I saw the IPhone cases. I looked at mine, it had a flower on it. "Hmm..' I thought "maybe I should get a new case.." As I looked at all the cases, one caught my eye. It had Sky, Deadlox, TrueMU, Mitch, Jerome and MunchingBrotao on it. Everyone but Jerome, he was lifting up Mitch, were wearing pink tutu's. And the background was pink and it said 'Truly Beautiful!" I. HAD. TO. GET. THIS. CASE. "It's so.. BEAUTIFUL!" I yelled, getting even more weird looks, oh well!

God. This is why no one likes you, Max. Jk everyone does cause you're a Mary Sue.

After I paid for everything, I said good-bye to Matt and left. As I started walking towards the Orphanage, I thought about random shit "What if I actually met Tyler..? No..that'll never happen.."

"I'll never meet my idol" cliché.

When I walked inside the Orphanage, I was greeted by Wendy, the only person who works here that is nice to me!

Bro I need to bring Wendy back tbh.

"Hi Max! How did it go?" She asked me. "It went good, see?" I said as I showed her my nose. "It looks very nice, Max!" "Thanks" I said as I walked to my room I shared with my best friend, Ally.

Ah yes, Ally. My favourite character out of this whole god damn series.

(I forgot to add her in with Matt and Wendy.) I walk in to see Ally on her computer.

"We're orphans but have computers/phones" cliché.

"Hey Ally!" I said. She looks up and me and smiles "Hey Max! I like your new piercing!" "Thanks." I said as I sat on my bed. An hour later, it was time to eat. Me and Ally walked down to the dining room, just to see the bitch herself. Her name is Stacy. (Sorry if your name is Stacy, I wuv you!)

"The bitch is named Stacy" cliché. Also, 'wuv?' What the fuck.

She was sitting with her other bitchy friends, Mariah and Sarah. (Again sorry if that's your name I <3 you!) "Well, well! Look who it is! The little nerds!" Stacy says as she see us.


Her friends just laughed. I rolled my eyes "Well, I rather be nerdy then slutty!" I said. Ally laughed. She then glared at me and said "Oh, so now I'm slutty?" she laughed. "P-lease! If anyone is slutty, it's Allison!"

Poor Ally. #ProtectAlly2k15

Her friends laughed. Ally then said "1. Don't call me Allison, you bitch! 2. I am not slutty! Most of the time, I wear pants! Unlike you, I don't wear short-shorts. and 3. I am stronger then you, bitch!"

Ally, sweetheart, you don't need to say bitch that much.

Ally was about to go and punch her, but I held her back. "She's not worth it!" I told Ally. We just grabbed our food and went to our table. "That bitch! I am so not slutty!!" Ally told me.

Okay the writing isn't that bad, I've read worst, but ehh

I nodded. "The day I get adopted, I'm gonna punch her in the face!" I smiled "Same here, Ally. Same here." As we were eating, one of the teachers went on the speaker and said "Tomorrow, we will be having two groups come here to adopt a girl. Both groups have five people. One group has all males and the other one has four males and one female. They will be coming at different times tomorrow, so get ready!"

"A group of males adopting a girl" cliché. Also, Ally if only you knew you'd get married to the one girl in that group.

Ally smiled and said 'Hey, one of us might get adopt tomorrow!" "Yea! But if one of us gets adopt tomorrow, I hope the other does too" "Me too." When we finished eating, it was time to do chores. After doing chores, it was time to go to bed. "G'night Max" Ally said. "Night, Ally" When I was trying to fall asleep, I thought of the number one thing I love, Munching Brotato.

Oh please, Tyler turns out to be a little shit later on.

Okay that wasn't that bad. Kind of fun tbh, I may want to do this again.

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