The Story of How I Got High

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So I went to the store with a friend before school and I bought a rockstar emery drink. I barely ever drink these so yeah. I wanted it so badly that the small, five minute break we had before french class? I chugged 80% of it.
Now, that was a mistake.
As my friends said, my eyes were wide and my foot kept bouncing up and down and I kept stuttering and laughing at everything during french class.
And then it was lunch.
I quickly drank the rest AND got a Slush Puppy. And then, me and my friend climbed trees. We went very high up (she was kinda hyper too) and we were yelling at cars and giggling at everything. Other friends showed up, I violently waved at a car, threw slush puppy at IckyIrwin, made Azaria20202 have a heart attack when we climbed too high..
Don't do drugs, kids.

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