Hiya i'm sick-a

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I'm sick send help. This will be probably one of my most randomest chapters in this book. I'm so sorry.

But anyways, hello. I'm a little shit-head who only likes animal crossing.
But seriously. Idk how I have friends when I'm such a shit. This chapter is basically me talking about random shit.
You know, I've had Wattpad for a while now and I can't believe how far I've come. Over 2k followers??????? And I'm not even gonna mention how many reads I've gotten????? I love you all???? Seriously, god bless you guys.

Bruh Canada sucks in the winter holy shit. IT'S SO FUCKING COLD. SEND FUCKING HELP. Am I right, my fellow Canadians??? #StopWinter2k15 get it trending.

*loud yodelling*

Do you ever write something and then regret it???? That was me after writing a one shot where this guy gives another guy a blowjob. Both of them are youtubers. And irl friends. it's not my fault their my otp god. (Btw, that one shot is in my one shots book, which is under the chapter 'I'm sorry')

Some people may not know this but I'm bisexual. But not only bisexual, I'm Biromantic Ace. I'M ASEXUAL AND BISEXUAL. MIND = BLOWN. Basically I'm gay as fuck but sex is nasty ew.

Sometimes I question my life choices. "Was it worth it joining Wattpad? Was it worth it joining Tumblr?" It was worth it for both. CAUSE I MET FRIENDS. Friends who I love sooo much. Like, Natalie/Budder, Leah, Chey, Minty/Ray, Kenya, City, Natalie (I KNOW TWOO), Wiser, Trin, AND SO MANY OTHERS. I LOVE YOU ALL<3
That got really gay, really fast lmao.

I like how people look up to me but I'm actually short. I'm 5'2. I'm so sorry that I'm short ;-; you have to look down on me now.

I should post a selfie one day on here. Ooh I could do it after I get my haircut. Yasssss.

I'm such a nerd. yesterday during lunch, I saw some guy in the library of my school wearing an Attack On Titan hoodie and I was like, screaming. Me and my friends were trying to see if he was cute. Spoiler: He wasn't. And then like, the first week of school I saw this hella cute girl wearing an Attack On Titan jacket and I actually told her I liked it and y eah it was great. I'm so awkward though so it was like "hey..... I like your jacket... *turns around and runs off*"

Bruh I've said this before but if someone drew a picture for any of my fanfics, I would cry. One of my friends drew a picture of Taylor and it was like, a stick figure and I loved it. I would honestly love you forever if someone did that. Please do it. I will repay you with my love/one shots. (;

I think this is it for my random update and shit. Hope you enjoyed or whatever. Bye.

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