Chapter 18) OverBearing

Start from the beginning

That day was her tenth birthday when his lips softly traced her smooth chubby cheeks and caused her to stood motionlessly at the spot. He did to cheered her because she recently lost her grandfather and that pain was making her sad.

But when his lips touched to her skin , His lips burnt as heart flipped . That feeling was something that no words, not even the ones with the deepest meaning could comprehend.

His Demon was happy and already claimed her as his but Zane knew that time was not right for both of them to do anything recklessly. Arika was only ten and unknown from his feelings also.

There was an Unknown Danger which still roaming around Arika and the threats to leave 'MILLERs Empire' and 'VitraVand Land' that MILLERs was getting frequently from their distant relatives was also stopping him from going near to her.

But Zane's eyes were only at her. Even when he stayed with his maternal grandparents's house.

Due to threats and his well known feeling for her , Zane didn't get a chance to celebrate her birthdays.

His love's birthday which was very special to him. Zane was not able to spent it with her , the one who was dear to him,

To his heart ,

To his mind ,

To his soul

and To His DEMON as well . .

Opening his eyes , He squinted at his phone. Her eighteenth birthday was coming soon. It was a special day for him too but sadly , He never got a chance to celebrate ARIKA's birthday

Zane's heart skipped a beat when suddenly ARIKA's inkish extra deep black big orbs came to his vision.

Thudd , thudd , thudd . . It was beating frantically loud enough for others could heard the pace clearly. Maria turned her head and looked at him. There was a teasing smirked satisfyingly dancing on her lips.

Zane sighed softly and looked away from his mother.

Zane closed her eyes as ARIKA's eyes were always full of life came into his head. He could not remember a day when her eyes were dull or lifeless not even when INSANE took over her.

INSANE and Arika both had OverBearing personality but ARIKA's voice and sparkling eyes always melted his heart but that happened only when she was a child.

Growing up , Arika lost that charm and she became more silent and mature.

Staying away from her , Zane always observed Arika. She made his heart flutter. Just like the wings of a butterfly flattering around the blooming flowers.

"Legend says that whoever gifts blue Rose to their special one will always cause them to meet again in their next lives"

Zane remembered , he did some stupid actions and speak nonsensical as well in past like giving flowers to five years old girl who neither understand his words nor his feelings.

Suddenly , Zane felt a poke in his stomach and look at the person who dare to poke him. Soon , he saw goofingly smiling elder brother Chase Daniel Miller.

Zane rolled his eyes and Chase mouthed 'Stop gawking. Concentrate on the situation"

Arika studied the faces of both Rudra and Shakti who were enjoying their tea party. But what confused her was that RUDRA had a neutral expression and Shakti was still in playful mood.

Looking at them , Arika could see that how much relaxed that pair were and enjoying their time in MILLER's PALACE.

That made Arika to rose her brows questioningly at them and both Rudra and Shakti only shrugged their shoulders.

Demon's TAMED Beauty (#8 in SGO Series )✓Where stories live. Discover now