"At that time, I was wounded. I was forced from the road and into the underbrush. I had lost hope. Qi Yun passed by. Seeing her attire and sensing her breath, I had given up. I knew I was going to die. However, I had never once thought that she would send the hunting daoist priests to the wrong direction."

Yan Hui heard this and was slightly astonished.

These few years, the cultivation world had been filled with a "Not my clan, so it must be alienated" mentality. Demons are evil; Evil must be killed. As one of the heads of the top three xian sects, Zhenren Qi Yun was unexpectedly part of the "Have a compassionate heart, give a second chance" group......

Yan Hui hadn't actually heard of this before. However thinking more closely, it seemed like every time there was a movement to kill demons invading the Central Plains, although Zhenren Qi Yun didn't object, she basically never joined in.

"At that time, I was still young. I had lived within the clan my entire life. I had no knowledge in the ways of the world. I didn't know who she was. I only knew I was about to die, and this person saved me. I just grabbed onto her clothes and let her take me out of there, back to Qing Qiu." The snake demon said this and started laughing. "At that time, Qi Yun also laughed at me, 'Little snake demon, you're surprisingly brave.'"

Yan Hui also laughed: "If you had been discovered by my shifu or any of the other shifu, they wouldn't have even waited for you to grab onto their hems. They would've turned you into mince meat the moment they saw you."

"But she took me away and brought me close to the Qing Qiu border, so I could return to the southwest." The snake demon's expression was gentle. "That year's spring was really good. I still remember the petals fluttering in the warm breeze......"

Yan Hui nodded: "Then you fell in love with Zhenren. That's why you protect her so fiercely now."

The snake demon sighed a little and slightly inclined his head. It seemed like he was still a little shy: "It's......it's not exactly like that. It's just that she saved my life, so now my life is hers."

Yan Hui quietly looked at the snake demon for a long time. Actually, she quite understood what he was feeling. Having deep respect toward someone, having devotion, having adoration, and owing one's life to another. These kinds of feelings couldn't be any simpler. Day after day, they were getting deeper with each passing moment. They would continue to be harder to control, harder to forget.

Yan Hui was silent for a while before speaking: "Have you considered that living like this isn't that bad......"

Everyone knew that if Zhenren Qi Yun really got better, even if she harbored compassionate feelings toward the snake demon, she still wouldn't stay with him.

The snake demon spoke while wringing the clothes dry: "She is among the top in the misty world of xian. She wouldn't want to live like this, and I just want to give her what she wants. This is the best way."

Hearing those words, Yan Hui didn't open her mouth anymore. She simply watched the snake demon hang the clothes to dry, walk into Zhenren Qi Yun's room, and quietly coax her to sleep.

Yan Hui stood alone in the courtyard, looking up at the moon. Demons also had complex emotions, but if this was told to anyone from Chen Xing Mountain, they wouldn't believe it.


The next day, early morning.

Tian Yao was sitting on the daybed. Although he was still wan, his energy seemed one hundred times better than yesterday's. Yan Hui glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

After retrieving his item, it looked like his healing speed had changed by a lot.

The snake demon led Qi Yun out of her room and sat her down in front of Tian Yao. Tian Yao didn't waste any words. He bit his finger until it bled, and then he grasped Zhenren Qi Yun's hand. The snake demon worriedly asked: "You can really heal her?"

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