That being said, this shameless dragon demon's words were always half truths, half lies.

Part of Yan Hui's thoughts were criticizing Tian Yao and her tricked self. The other part was reflecting on why she would dream about Tian Yao's experiences.

Could it be that she and Tian Yao had some unknown connection?

That was impossible. Yan Hui didn't forget a single part of her childhood. Her mom had died early on. It was her alcoholic dad who raised her. There was never enough to eat. She could still remember that she had run amok in the small village like a boy.

Later on, Ling Xiao accepted her as a disciple. The years she spent at Chen Xing Mountain as a disciple and her interactions with Ling Xiao were treasured memories. She hoarded every moment, not daring to forget a single detail.

How could she have a connection with the dragon demon......

Yet they had a connection. If the dragon demon died, would she......

"Yan Hui!" From far away came a man's shout.

Yan Hui looked over. The snake demon was propelling the raft. He followed along surging waters to quickly reach where Yan Hui was. The snake demon was able to keep the raft extremely stable in the midst of the torrent. With a closer glance, she realized it was because he was using magic to protect it.

Behind the snake demon sat Zhenren Qi Yun and......

Seeing a person lying there like a corpse, Yan Hui's expression couldn't help instantly darkening.

Although she had just been thinking about the bad things that could happen upon the dragon demon's death, after seeing him safe and alive, Yan Hui's heart still felt indifferent.

When the wooden raft was about to hit the shore, the snake demon suddenly reverted to his original form. He wrapped Zhenren Qi Yun and Tian Yao into his coils and steadily set them onshore. Then he turned back into a human.

"How did you find him?" Looking at the unconscious person lying there, Yan Hui's tone wasn't happy. "Or rather, how did he crawl out of there?"

"Didn't you leave with him?" The snake demon asked in return. However, seeing Yan Hui clutching her chest and her sorry figure, he stared blankly. "I was waiting by the entrance. Later on, I realized the barrier had weakened by a lot. Right after that, a few boulders fell in front of the cave entrance, completely sealing it off. I originally planned to raft to the surrounding areas to look for another entrance, but there were too many falling rocks. With Qi Yun, I didn't dare stay close to the mountain. I rafted further out. Before the mountain collapsed, I saw you two exiting. I thought to first bring Qi Yun away. I didn't expect to see Tian Yao drifting on the water, so I also brought him over here."

The snake demon frowned: "Since you can unexpectedly cast magic now, why didn't you take Tian Yao with you?"

Yan Hui heard this and bursted out in laughter: "Not personally killing him is already considered a testament to human nature."

The snake demon was slightly startled. He knew something bad had happened between the two in the cave but didn't dare to ask further. He only said: "It isn't suitable to stay here long. Let's return to the village first. Tian Yao's injury also needs to be treated."

Yan Hui held her chest and coldly laughed: "What wound would he have?" Done speaking, her gaze swept over Tian Yao's body. Only then did she see blood seeping into his coarse, cotton clothes.

Yan Hui suddenly recalled the dragon demon's back was injured yesterday while protecting her.

She clenched her jaw. Tian Yao always made her look bad. In her heart, she really did hate him. However in the end, he did risk his life yesterday to save hers. It didn't matter if he had any other scheme behind it. The fact was, he saved her life.

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